Envelope containing miscellaneous documents and reports on signal matter.

Envelope containing miscellaneous documents and reports on signal matters such as 'Signal Addendum to the Mediterranean Station Order Book' (1880); 'A Criticism on the Present Signal Book with Suggestions for its Revision' and 'Signal Book' by Captain Cuthbert Hunter; 'Remarks on Revised "Manoeuvring Signal Book"' (1897); Letters (1898-1904) from the Admiralty concerning Commander Everett's work on Signals; Suggestions of Admiral Hornby re. revision of the General Signal Book, and other documents. [Number 209]

Record Details

Item reference: MER/28; MS1967-12
Catalogue Section: Artificial collections previously assembled
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1880 - 1904
Creator: HMS Mercury
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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