Take a look at our frequently asked questions for answers to our most common queries, or check the details below to find the right person to assist with your enquiry.
I want to ask about:
- Tickets and bookings
- Membership
- Lost property
- Online orders and shop purchases
- Weddings and venue hire
- Press and media
- Corporate partnerships
- Image licensing and enquiries
- Collections and Library services
- Personal research
- Publishing
- Astronomy enquiries
- Donating or borrowing objects from the collection
- Something else
You can book tickets online at any time for all our main sites, exhibitions and attractions.
If you're planning a school trip, this page will help you plan your learning visit and access key forms and resources.
Groups of 15 or more people are entitled to a group discount. Find out more about group bookings.
For all other queries, the Bookings office is open 9am-5pm, Monday-Sunday. Telephone: +44 (0)20 8312 6608 | Email: bookings@rmg.co.uk
Members can get year-round free access to Cutty Sark, the National Maritime Museum, Royal Observatory and the Queen's House, plus free entry to Planetarium shows and special exhibitions.
If you are already a Member or would like to find out more about Membership, please email membership@rmg.co.uk or call +44 (0)20 8312 6678 (Mondays-Fridays 9am-5pm).
Online orders and shop purchases
Our online shop includes a dedicated FAQs section for customers. If you can't find the answer you are looking for, please use the contact form for customers and a member of the retail team will respond directly.
Press and media
The Royal Museums Greenwich press office handles all media enquiries for the Royal Observatory, the Peter Harrison Planetarium, Cutty Sark, the National Maritime Museum and the Queen’s House.
For press information or images or to arrange a press visit, press filming or press photography, contact the press office:
Email: press@rmg.co.uk | Tel: 020 8312 6790
Corporate partnerships
We develop and deliver high-value, bespoke partnerships that support both your business objectives and the Museum’s charitable work. Partnerships can offer a wide range of deliverables against PR and communications plans, client and consumer engagement strategies, staff recruitment and retention, business development and environmental, social, and governance priorities.
Image enquiries and licensing
Our Picture Library contains over 33,000 images and photographs depicting notable ships, empire, trade and exploration, navigation, astronomy and time. Images can be licensed for a range of media.
Ship plan prints and scanning
Buy ship plans prints from the National Maritime Museum. We hold one of the largest single collections of original ship plans in the world, dating from the early 18th century.
Email: plansandphotos@rmg.co.uk
Collections and Library enquiries
You can find information on many of our items via our online collections search pages.
Find out more about accessing our collections for research, or request to view an object that is not currently on display.
Find out more about our Library and Archive services.
Register to visit the Caird Library
Contact the Library: Tel: +44 (0)20 8312 6516 | Email: library@rmg.co.uk
Personal research
We regret that the Museum is unable to carry out personal research on your behalf. Find out more about accessing our collections for research.
If you have a specific enquiry relating to an object in our collections and cannot find the information you need on Collections Online, please contact research@rmg.co.uk. Please note that the Museum is not obliged to answer enquiries that do not relate to items in our collections, and is unable to provide valuations.
The Caird Library at the National Maritime Museum is a rich research resource, which is open to all. Our specialised Research Guides can help you carry out your own research. If you have a query about library or manuscript collections, please contact library@rmg.co.uk. If you are unable to visit in person, you may wish to employ an independent researcher to work on your behalf.
From books for general readers, academics, students and families, there are numerous opportunities for publishing partnerships. Find out more about the publishing department and the kind of projects Royal Museums Greenwich works with.
Email: publishing@rmg.co.uk
Astronomy enquiries
Unfortunately, the astronomers at the Royal Observatory Greenwich are unable to accept general astronomical queries such as identifying unexplained or unusual astronomical phenomena by email, telephone or in writing. They are also unable to provide comment on unsolicited scientific papers or theses. Academic queries should be sent to a refereed journal.
During your visit to Royal Observatory Greenwich or the Peter Harrison Planetarium our astronomers, Observatory Explainers and volunteers are more than happy to answer your astronomy queries. Our astronomers are available to take questions between planetarium shows, and throughout the year we have a programme of live science and astronomy demonstrations.
If you would like to learn even more about astronomy the Royal Observatory runs a wide range of astronomy courses which are suitable for a range of individuals and experience.
Donating to our collections or borrowing an object
Our loans programme enables us to lend out items that may not be on display to other organisations.
Contact the loans team: Email: loans@rmg.co.uk
Gifts of items from generous individuals enable us to enrich and grow our historic collections.
Find out more about the process & how to make a gift
Contact the team: Email: registration@rmg.co.uk | Tel: +44 (0)20 8312 6624
If you can’t find what you’re looking for…
Please email RMGenquiries@rmg.co.uk, or contact the Royal Museums Greenwich switchboard.
Tel: 020 8858 4422 (9am-5pm Monday-Sunday)
Address: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London SE10 9NF