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armament t&e: arms, trophy of
armament t&e: bow
As of Lucius Sempronius Atratinus
building: lighthouse
building: monument
Capito, Marcus Oppius, Dupondius of
Cast, token
cast: coin cast
cast: coin cast: Ahenobarbus, denarius of
cast: coin cast: Allectus, Antoninianus of, 293-296AD
cast: coin cast: Apollonia Pontica, coin of, ca.430 BC
cast: coin cast: Apollonia Pontica, coin of, ca.450 BC
cast: coin cast: Apollonia Pontica, tetradrachm of, 400-375 BC
cast: coin cast: Atratinus, Lucius Sempronius, as of
cast: coin cast: Atratinus, Lucius Sempronius, sestertius of
cast: coin cast: Atratinus, Lucius Sempronius, tripondius of
cast: coin cast: Batavian Republic, guilden of, 1802
cast: coin cast: Bermuda, penny of, 1793
cast: coin cast: Bibulus, Lucius Calpurnius, semis of
cast: coin cast: Brutti, coin of, 283-03 BC(South Italy)
cast: coin cast: Caesar, Diadumenianus, coin of, 217 AD(Tripolis Phoeniciae)
cast: coin cast: Calixtus III, grosso of, 1455-58
cast: coin cast: Callatis, coin or medallion of, ca.200 AD
cast: coin cast: Capito, Marcus Oppius, as of
cast: coin cast: Capito, Marcus Oppius, coin of
cast: coin cast: Capito, Marcus Oppius, dupondius of
cast: coin cast: Capito, Marcus Oppius, sestertius of
cast: coin cast: Capito, Marcus Oppius, trepondius of
cast: coin cast: Caracalla, coin of, 211-17 AD(Corfu)
cast: coin cast: Caracalla, denarius of, 211-17 AD
cast: coin cast: Carausius, Marcus Aurelius, denarius of, 286-293AD
cast: coin cast: Charles II, pattern farthing of
cast: coin cast: coin, Greek
cast: coin cast: coin, Roman
cast: coin cast: Cologne, double thaler
cast: coin cast: Colombia, coin of, 1832
cast: coin cast: Columbian Exposition, half dollar, 1893
cast: coin cast: Commonwealth, pattern farthing of, 1649-53
cast: coin cast: Cornaro, Giovanni II, osella of, 1724
cast: coin cast: Cyzicus, tetradrachm of, 410BC
cast: coin cast: Demetrius I, stater of, 294-286 BC(Macedonia)
cast: coin cast: Demetrius II, coin of, 150-125 BC(Syria)
cast: coin cast: dollar, China, Republic of, 1934
cast: coin cast: Domna, Julia, coin of, ca.215 AD(Corfu)
cast: coin cast: double shekel, 370-358 BC(Sidon, Phoenicia)
cast: coin cast: double shekel, ca.384-370 BC(Sidon, Phoenicia)
cast: coin cast: double shekel, late 5C BC(Sidon, Phoenicia)
cast: coin cast: Edward II, noble of, 1363-69
cast: coin cast: Frederick III, 1 5/8 ducat of, 1666
cast: coin cast: Frederick III, 3 1/4 ducat of, 1666
cast: coin cast: Frederick III, coin of, 1665
cast: coin cast: Frederick III, double-ducat of, 1658
cast: coin cast: Gallienus, Antoninianus of
cast: coin cast: George VI, farthing of, 1937
cast: coin cast: Hadrian, sestertius of, 117-138 AD(Roman Empire)
cast: coin cast: Henry V, noble of, 1413-22
cast: coin cast: Henry VI, noble of, 1422-61
cast: coin cast: Innocent III, half scudo of, 1691-1700
cast: coin cast: jeton, English, 1705
cast: coin cast: jeton, French
cast: coin cast: jeton, French, 16C-17C
cast: coin cast: jeton, French, 1584
cast: coin cast: jeton, French, 1625
cast: coin cast: jeton, French, 1628
cast: coin cast: jeton, French, 1629
cast: coin cast: jeton, French, 1630
cast: coin cast: jeton, French, 1631
cast: coin cast: jeton, French, 1632
cast: coin cast: jeton, French, 1633
cast: coin cast: jeton, French, 1634
cast: coin cast: jeton, French, 1635
cast: coin cast: jeton, French, 1636
cast: coin cast: jeton, French, 1637
cast: coin cast: jeton, French, 1639
cast: coin cast: jeton, French, 1640
cast: coin cast: jeton, French, 1641
cast: coin cast: jeton, French, 1642
cast: coin cast: jeton de marine
cast: coin cast: Mocenigo, Alvise, osella of, 1706
cast: coin cast: Mocenigo, Alvise, osella of, 1724
cast: coin cast: Mocenigo, Alvise IV, osella of, 1764
cast: coin cast: Molin, Francesco, osella of
cast: coin cast: Morosini, Francesco, osella of, 1688
cast: coin cast: Morosini, Francesco, osella of, 1693
cast: coin cast: Nero, sestertius of, 54-68 AD
cast: coin cast: Paestum, coin of, after 200 BC
cast: coin cast: Postumus, Antoninianus of
cast: coin cast: Pulumavi, coin of, 130 AD(Andhra Kingdom, Coromandel coast)
cast: coin cast: Richard II, noble of, 1377-99
cast: coin cast: Roman Republic, As of
cast: coin cast: Seleucus I, coin of, 312-280 BC(Syria)
cast: coin cast: Severus, Septimus, coin of, 193-211 AD(Corfu)
cast: coin cast: Sextus Pompeius, denarius of
cast: coin cast: Tennes, double shekel, ca.354-348 BC(Sidon, Phoenicia)
cast: coin cast: Tiberius, coin of
cast: coin cast: token, 1794
cast: coin cast: token, Canada, 1812-15
cast: coin cast: token, farthing
cast: coin cast: token, farthing, 1796
cast: coin cast: token, farthing, Bridgewater, 1669(William Goodridge)
cast: coin cast: token, farthing, Bristol, 1670
cast: coin cast: token, farthing, Bristol, 1670(city token)
cast: coin cast: token, farthing, Cork, 1658(Matthews, Philip)
cast: coin cast: token, farthing, Devises, 1652(Edward Hope)
cast: coin cast: token, farthing, Ely, 1667(John Knowls)
cast: coin cast: token, farthing, Lavington, 1668(Robert Hayward)
cast: coin cast: token, farthing, London, 1648(Temple Bar Token)
cast: coin cast: token, farthing, Margate, 1648-79(Sarah Reade)
cast: coin cast: token, farthing, Minehead, 1648-79(Richard Crockford)
cast: coin cast: token, farthing, Minehead, 1668(The Poores Farthing)
cast: coin cast: token, farthing, Shipdam, 1648-79(Nicholas Golding)
cast: coin cast: token, halfpenny
cast: coin cast: token, halfpenny, 1793
cast: coin cast: token, halfpenny, Berwick Main Colliery, 1811
cast: coin cast: token, halfpenny, Bristol, 1787-1800(J Chester)
cast: coin cast: token, halfpenny, Canada, 1781
cast: coin cast: token, halfpenny, Deal, 1669(William Brothers)
cast: coin cast: token, halfpenny, Dover, 1794(Horn's Library)
cast: coin cast: token, halfpenny, Dundee, 1796
cast: coin cast: token, halfpenny, Folkestone, 1796
cast: coin cast: token, halfpenny, Glasgow, 1781(Ralph Erskine, & Co)
cast: coin cast: token, halfpenny, Hastings, 1794
cast: coin cast: token, halfpenny, Ironbridge, 1670
cast: coin cast: token, halfpenny, Leith, 1797
cast: coin cast: token, halfpenny, Nantwich, 1660(William Crossley)
cast: coin cast: token, halfpenny, Nova Scotia, 1812(J Brown)
cast: coin cast: token, halfpenny, Portsmouth
cast: coin cast: token, halfpenny, Portsmouth, 1671(Richard Marks)
cast: coin cast: token, halfpenny, Portsmouth, 1797
cast: coin cast: token, halfpenny, Queenborough, 1648-79(Thomas Norrington)
cast: coin cast: token, halfpenny, Romney, 1794(John Sawyer)
cast: coin cast: token, halfpenny, Sandwich, late 18C(Thomas Bundock)
cast: coin cast: token, halfpenny, Willey, 1788
cast: coin cast: token, halfpenny, Yarmouth, 1669(William Goodridge)
cast: coin cast: token, New York, 1840-50(Doremus & Nixon)
cast: coin cast: token, penny, Cork, 1659
cast: coin cast: token, penny, Glasshouse Hall, 1648-79(London)
cast: coin cast: token, penny, Isle of Man, 1811
cast: coin cast: token, penny, New Brunswick, 1843
cast: coin cast: token, San Francisco, 1825-50
cast: coin cast: token, shilling, Basingstoke canal, 1789(John Pinkerton)
cast: coin cast: token, shilling, Hampshire, 1811
cast: coin cast: token, USA, 1841
cast: coin cast: touch piece, James II, 1685(England)
cast: coin cast: Tuder, quadrans of, 3C BC(Umbria)
cast: coin cast: USA, half dollar, 1925
cast: coin cast: Valier, Bertucci, osella of
cast: coin cast: Venier, Sebastian, osella of
cast: seal cast: Antigua and Montserrat, seal of
ceremonial artifact: standard
Coin, Greek
Coin, Roman
Coin cast
Coin of Apollonia Pontica, ca.430 BC
Coin of Seleucus I, 312-280 BC
Demetrius II, coin of, 150-125 BC
Dollar, China, Republic of, 1934
Double shekel, 370-358 BC
Double shekel, ca.384-370 BC
Double shekel, late 5C BC
exchange medium: coin: kroner, 1938(Sweden)
exchange medium: token: jeton
Farthing token, 1796
halfpenny token
Paestum, coin of, after 200 BC
personal symbol: arms
personal symbol: arms: Zeeland
personal symbol: seal
personal symbol: shield of arms
Seal cast
Sestertius of Lucius Sempronius Atratinus
Tetradrachm of Apollonia Pontica, 400-375 BC
token, 1794
Token, Canadian 1812-1815
Token, farthing, Bridgewater, 1669
Token, farthing, Bristol, 1670
Token, farthing, Cork, 1658
Token, farthing, Devises, 1652
Token, farthing, Ely, 1667
Token, farthing, Lavington, 1668
Token, farthing, London, 1648
Token, farthing, Margate, 1648-79
Token, farthing, Minehead, 1648-79
Token, farthing, Minehead, 1668
Token, farthing, Shipdam, 1648-79
Token, halfpenny, 1793
Token, halfpenny, Berwick Main Colliery, 1811
Token, halfpenny, Bristol, 1787-1800
Token, halfpenny, Canada, 1781
Token, halfpenny, Deal, 1669
Token, halfpenny, Dover, 1794
Token, halfpenny, Dundee, 1796
Token, halfpenny, Folkestone, 1796
Token, halfpenny, Glasgow, 1781
Token, halfpenny, Hastings, 1794
Token, halfpenny, Ironbridge, 1670
Token, halfpenny, Leith, 1797
Token, halfpenny, Nantwich, 1660
Token, halfpenny, Nova Scotia, 1812
Token, halfpenny, Portsmouth, 1671
Token, halfpenny, Portsmouth, 1797
Token, halfpenny, Queenborough, 1648-79
Token, halfpenny, Romney, 1794
Token, halfpenny, Sandwich, late 18C
Token, halfpenny, Willey, 1788
Token, halfpenny, Yarmouth, 1669
Token, New York, 1840-50
Token, penny, Cork, 1659
Token, penny, Glasshouse Hall, 1648-79
Token, penny, Isle of Man, 1811
Token, penny, New Brunswick, 1843
Token, San Francisco, 1825-50
Token, shilling, Basingstoke canal, 1789
Token, shilling, Hampshire, 1811
Token, USA, 1841
Token cast
water transport: cargo vessel
water transport: cargo vessel: barge
water transport: fighting vessel
water transport: fighting vessel (Venetian)
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate (Danish navy)
water transport: fighting vessel: galley
water transport: hunting vessel
water transport: muscle-powered vessel: galley
water transport: muscle-powered vessel: galley (French navy)
water transport: muscle-powered vessel: galley (Spanish navy)
water transport: sailing vessel
water transport: sailing vessel: brig
water transport: sailing vessel: junk
water transport: sailing vessel: ship
water transport: service vessel: cutter, revenue
water transport: steam vessel: paddle
water transport: unknown function: boat
water transport accessory: anchor
water transport accessory: sailing vessel
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organic: shellac
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Barozzi, Zuane
Bembo, Nicolo
Capito, Marcus Oppius
Falier, Gerolamo
Foscarini, Marchio
Griti, Alvise
Halliday, Thomas
Querini, Zuane
Riva, Zuane
Zeno, Mario
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Athens, Greece
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Battle of Brindisi, BC42
Battle of Naulochus, 36BC
Cretan War, 1645-1669
Fifth Ottoman-Venetian War: Action off the Dardanelles,1657
French Revolutionary Wars: Battle of Cape St Vincent, 1797
French Revolutionary Wars: Battle of the Glorious First of June, 1794
Graeco-Persian War: Battle of Salamis, 480BC
Great Turkish War: Battle of Mytilene, 1690
Morean War: Capture of Malvasia, 1690
Morean War: Conquest of the Morea, 1685-1687
Peloponnesian War: Capture of Cyzicus, 410BC
Siege of La Rochelle, 1627-28
The Second Latin War: Destruction of the fleet of Antium, 338BC
World's Fair: Columbian Exposition, 1893
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Noah's ark
Santa Maria
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Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius
Ahenobarbus, Gnaeus Domitius
Ahenobarbus, Lucius Domitius
Antonius, Marcus
Apollonia Pontica
Atratinus, Lucius Sempronius
Barons of the Cinque Ports
Basileus Seleucus I Nicator of the Seleucid Empire
Batavian Republic
Berenhart, Jacoby & Co
Bewicke Main Colliery
Bibulus, Lucius Calpurnius
Bourbon, Louis Alexandre de
Brent, I
Brown, J
Bundock, Thomas
Caesar, Augustus Octavianus Gaius Julius
Caesar, Diadumenianus
Calixtus III, Popefl
Capito, Marcus Oppius
Caracalla, Emperor of
Carausius, Marcus Aurelius
Chester, J (chemist)
Cologne, see of
Columbus, Christopher
Crockford, Richard
Crossley, William
Demetrius I
Demetrius II
Domna, Julia
Doremus & Nixon
Duplessis, Armand Jean
Erskin, Ralph & Co
Fitzwilliam Museum
Gallienus, Publius Licinius Egnatius
Geta, Publius Septimius
Glasshouse Hall
Golding, Nicholas
Goodridge, William
Hadrianus, Publius Aelius76-138
Hayward, Robert
Hippocrates ca.460-377 BC
Hope, Edward
Howe, Richard
Innocent III, Pope
Jervis, John
John Wilkinson
Joyeuse, Anne de
King Charles II
King Edward III of England
King Frederick III of Denmark
King George VI
King Gustaf V of Sweden
King Henry V
King Henry VI
King James II and VII
King Louis XIV of France
King Richard II
Knowls, John
Lin Sen (president), Lin Sen (president)
Littler, Dove & Company
Marks, Richard
Matthews, Philip
Mocenigo, Alvise
Mocenigo, Alvise III Sebastiano
Molin, Francesco
Morosini, Francesco
Nero, Emperor of
Norrington, Thomas
Octavia d.11BC
Ottoman Navy
Pharnabazus fl.410BC
Pinkerton, John
Pitt, William
Pompeius, Gnaeus
Postumus, Marcus Cassianius Latinus
Pulumavi, Vasishthiputa
Reade, Sarah
Republic of China
Roman Empire
Sawyer, John
Severus, Lucius Septimus
Sharp, Thomas
Valier, Bertuccifl
Venier, Sebastiano
Vogel, John Adam
Washington, George
West Fresia
William Brothers
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Coin cast
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showing 197 objects results
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Coin cast
Halfpenny token, Portsmouth (Token cast)
Coin cast
Coin cast
Coin cast
French jeton,1628 (Cast)
French jeton, 1634 (Cast)
Coin cast
French jeton, 1632 (Cast)
Coin cast
Halfpenny token, Portsmouth (Token cast)
French jeton, 1633 (Cast)
Farthing token (Token cast)
Farthing token, 1796 (Token cast)
Coin cast
French jeton, 1625 (Cast)
As (Coin cast)
Dupondius of Marcus Oppius Capito (Coin cast)
Denarius of Ahenobarbus (Coin cast)
jeton de marine (Coin cast)
Tripondius of Lucius Sempronius Atratinus (Coin cast)
Denarius of Sextus Pompeius (Coin cast)
Coin cast
Coin of Marcus Oppius Capito (Coin cast)
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