A Propeller Challenge!

SS Archimedes is famed for being the world's first steamship to be driven by a Screw Propeller.  This steam ship was built in Great Britain in 1839 and influenced many ship builders to use propellers in their designs.

At The Prince Philip Maritime Collections Centre, we have lots of different types of propellers but they all do the same thing. They all use Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of motion which is sometimes called action and reaction. This means, if you want to move forward, you need to push backward and that is the case if you are moving through air or water. A ship’s propeller works by thrusting an area of water away from the main body of the ship, thereby producing a reactive force that moves the boat forward. 

It is more fun in action than theory, so why don’t you use these instructions to help you create your own propeller driven boat. You could even have a propeller driven boat race across your bath tub!

(Source of SS Archimedes' Memorial picture)

You Will Need

  • Lolly pop sticks
  • Scissors
  • Mackerel tin (ask a parent to cover the sharp edge or use a margarine tub)
  • Elastic bands
  • Two chopsticks or old pencils

You can use the above mentioned materials, but feel free to use your own creativity!

(Source of Lolly pop sticks Scissors Mackerel tin (ask a parent to cover the sharp edge or use a margarine tub) Elastic bands 2 chopsticks or old pencils picture)

Step One

Cut the lolly stick in half.

Round off the corner.

An image for 'Step One'

Step Two

Put two elastic bands around the tin.

An image for 'Step Two'

Step Three

Slot chopsticks down the sides of the tin.

An image for 'Step Three'

Step Four

Put an elastic band around the ends of the two chopsticks.

If it is a big elastic band, try wrapping it around twice.

An image for 'Step Four'

Step Five

Put one of the lolly stick halves between the elastic bands and wind it up.

An image for 'Step Five'

Now try it out!

With help from an adult, fill the bath and see how fast your boat will go.


The fun doesn’t stop there! Can you find ways to make it even faster? Try making the propeller thicker or longer to see if that makes a difference. You could also create another boat and have a race across your bath tub or paddling pool. How about decorating your boat with your own unique designs?

Share your creations with us!

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