The Freedom of Information Publication Scheme provides information on our key areas of accountability and performance against targets as well as information on the internal operation of the National Maritime Museum, Royal Observatory Greenwich, Cutty Sark and Queen's House.

In deciding the content of the Publication Scheme, the Museum has taken due regard of the public interest in the information that it holds. The Scheme provides information on the Museum's key areas of accountability and performance against targets as well as, and wherever possible, information on the internal operation of the Museum.

Find out about the background to the Publication Scheme

Find out how to obtain information via the Publication Scheme

The scheme consists of eight groups of information:

1. Who we are and what we do

Roles and responsibilities (Acts of Parliament and statutory instruments)

Public Sector Information (PSI Directive 2015)

Trustees and senior staff

Contact details

2. What we spend and how we spend it

See details of our spending.

3. What are our priorities and how are we doing

See our corporate plans and reviews.

4. How we make decisions

Trustee Board minutes

5. Our policies and procedures

See all our Museum policies.

6. Lists and registers

Asset registers - see Annual reports & accounts.

Register of gifts and hospitality provided to Trustees, Board Members and senior personnel available on request to Head of Governance and Museum Records - charges apply

A Register of Interests provided by Trustees, the Executive and senior personnel involved in procurement is available on request to the Head of Governance and Museum Records - charges apply.

7. The services we offer

Educational services


Information about the collections and related research material

Media releases

Opportunities for volunteers

8. The Museum's Collection

Collections websites

Library and collections enquiries


Please be aware that, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, exemptions apply to some information held by the Museum. If you wish to complain about the use of an exemption, please see the complaints policy and procedure.

The Publication Scheme is available electronically from the Museum's website and copies are also available from the Head of Governance and Museum Records:

Find out how to obtain information via the Publication Scheme