Terrestrial facsimile globe

Terrestrial facsimile globe. Geographical details on the sphere show continents labelled 'EVROPA', 'AFFRICA' and 'ASIA'. The new continent America, which is not labelled, is separate from Asia. Among the few cities mentioned on the map in Europe are 'Nure(m)berga' and 'Venetia'. The track of Magellan is depicted and labelled. There are no labels for the oceans. Terrestrial facsimile globe. There are continents labelled, 'EVROPA', 'AFFRICA', and 'ASIA'. The new continent America, which is not labelled, is separate from Asia. Among the few cities mentioned on the map in Europe are, 'Nure(m)berga' and 'Venetia'. The track of Magellan is depicted and labelled. There are no labels for the oceans. The set of gores GLB0221 and those pasted on the wooden sphere for this globe are facsimiles of a set now in the New York Public Library, which are pulls on paper dating from between 1556 and 1560. The date of the model used for these gores, however, is before 1533, because a globe made with similar gores is shown in Holbein's famous painting of that year, 'The Ambassadors', in the National Gallery, London. The gores have formerly been attributed to Johann Schoner as well as to George Hartmann, because Nuremberg is mentioned on the globe, but there is no evidence to substantiate these attributions. The wooden handles of the facsimile were added to copy the globe in the painting. However, the handle is not Holbein's paint but the result of an early restoration. Mounted copies of the facsimile gores are also at Yale and the Nordenskiold Collection, Oslo.

For full details about the cartography and construction of this globe please refer to the related publication.

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