
This category contains single ephemeral items, printed or manuscript documents or cards, and photographs; they have usually been annoted or signed. It includes a copy of the order of ceremony of the funeral procession of Lord Nelson (q.v.) and tickets of admission to the funeral, 1806; a certificate of authenticity relating to a stone shot recovered from the MARY ROSE and presented in 1840 to Admiral Sir Edward Codrington (q.v.), Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth, signed by John Deane (b.1810) and William Edwards, the salvagers; a menu autographed by the signatories of the Atlantic Charter, 1941; the instrument of Japanese surrender at Hong Kong, 1945; and an order of ceremonial for unveiling the memorial to Admirals of the Fleet Earl Jellicoe (1859-1935) and Earl Beatty (q.v.) in Trafalgar Square, 1948.

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