1889 New York - Canso Cables. Chart No 2. (Sambro Banks and Sable Island Bank)

Scale circa 1:300,000. Bound in 1889 New York - Canso Cables Folder. Chart No 2. Black and white chart. Mss cable routes marked in red, green, blue, black and yellow. Mss note 'Tube soundings taken while laying the 1889 New York cables are shown as thus:- 54' (in blue) . Mss note 'Pole Star observations are marked in the meridians in which they were taken' (in red).

Object Details

ID: PIR246:4/60
Collection: Charts and maps
Type: Chart
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Siemen Bros & Co Ltd; Stanford, Edward
Date made: 1889
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Overall sheet dimensions: 69.5 cm x 101 cm; Between neat lines: 55 cm x 90 cm