Presentation Sword

Presentation sword, which belonged to Captain E.H. Columbine (died 1811). The hilt of the sword is gilt, whilst the pommel is made in the form of a bearded human face surrounded by laurel leaves. The guard is a flat portion, decorated with seven stars on each side. There are two branches of foliage, the upper one of which is fastened to the quillon by an oval ring. Both the quillons are upturned, and are made in the form of branches of foliage, which on the trailing edges terminate in a human face. The back-piece is decorated in relief with arms, armour and naval emblems. The grip, which is made of, knurled ivory, ends in a ferrule decorated with scales.

The richly damascened blue and gold steel blade is curved, the falchion widening very slightly near the point. The blade is engraved on the obverse with foliage, a depiction of Minerva seated with caduceus in her right hand, a barrel. There is a scroll and anchor are at her feet, which are decoration with dolphins, foliage and scallop shells and bearing the inscription 'PRESENTED TO E.H.COLUMBINE ESQR. COMNDR OF H.M.S.ULYSSES BY THE MERCHANTS AND INHABITANTS OF THE ISL OF TRINIDAD, AS A TOKEN OF THEIR GREAT RESPECT & ESTEEM. ALSO AS A MARK OF THE HIGH SENSE THEY ENTERTAIN OF HIS SERVICES IN PROTECTING AND DEFENDNG THAT ISLD. IN THE YRS 1803 & 1804. & OF HIS ZEALOUS EXERTIONS TO PROMOTE THE INTEREST THEREOF DURING HIS COMND ON THAT STATN'. The obverse of the blade is also decorated with naval trophies and emblems, the Royal cypher 'GR' encircled by a wreath, with a crown above. The reverse of the blade is decorated with foliage, a trophy of guns, flags, fasces, a globe and a helmet, two mermaids supporting a wreath which surrounds Hope with her anchor, a naval crown and foliage, a phoenix, and the monogram 'EHC' in the centre of a star, the Royal arms with recumbent supporters' and the Latin motto 'DIEU ET MON DROIT' below, a crown with lion above, naval trophies and emblems. The scabbard is made of gilt and is heavily ornamented in relief.

Edward Henry Columbine was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant on the 12th April 1782; Commander on the 22nd December 1796; Captain on the 29th April 1802. He died on the 18th June 1811. In July 1809, whilst he was Captain of the 'Solebay' he commanded a small expedition, which captured Senegal, at which time the 'Solebay' was wrecked.

Object Details

ID: WPN1254
Collection: Weapons
Type: Presentation Sword
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Teed, Richard
Places: Senegal; Trinidad
Vessels: Solebay 1785; Ulysses (1779)
Date made: 1804
People: Merchants & Inhabitants of Trinidad; Columbine, Edward Henry Minerva Hope, George Johnstone
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, Royal United Service Institution Collection
Measurements: Blade: 756 x 35 mm
Parts: Presentation Sword

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