'Alderney' (1734); 'Furnace' (1740); 'Lightning' (1740); 'Carcass' (1740); 'Thunder' (1740); 'Basilisk' (1740); 'Blast' (1740); 'Firedrake' (1742)

Scale: 1:48. A plan showing the body plan, sheer lines with inboard and external detail, and a longitudinal half-breadth with mortar bed details. This plan was used to contstruct such vessels as the 'Alderney' (1734), 'Furnace' (1740), 'Lightning' (1740), 'Carcass' (1740), 'Thunder' (1740), 'Basilisk' (1740), 'Blast' (1740), 'Firedrake' (1742), and all bomb vessels.

Object Details

ID: ZAZ5624
Collection: Ship Plans
Type: Technical drawing
Display location: Not on display
Vessels: Basilisk (1740); Alderney (1735) Blast (1740) Carcass (1740) Furnace 1740 Thunder (1740)
Date made: 26 March 1734
Credit: © Crown copyright. National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Sheet: 435 x 698 mm