Essential Information

Key Stage Post-16
School Subject Science
Resource Type Classroom activity

Curriculum Links: AQA Physics: Unit 5A 1.3–4; Edexcel Physics: P2.3 41, P2.3 47, P2.5 68‐69, P5.6 129, P5.6 132‐133, P5.6 135; OCR Physics: G482 2.4.3, G482 2.5.4, G485 5.5.1 k‐n, G485 5.5.2 a‐h

This activity looks at Hubble’s law (v = H0d) whereby students use real data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to plot a graph from which they can obtain the Hubble constant, H0. Students then look at the possible sources of error in their data and use this to calculate the uncertainty in their value for H0.