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National Maritime Museum
Open daily 10am-5pm
Last entry 4.15pm
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Queen's House
Queen's House
Open daily 10am - 5pm
Last entry 4.15pm
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Open daily 10am-6pm
Last entry 5.15pm
Adult: £20 | Child: £10
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Celebrate England's largest festival of history and culture this September at the Prince Philip Maritime Collections Centre
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Found at the Water’s Edge: unearthing histories and fictions on the Thames foreshore
Join an expert panel as they share stories of the different communities that have shaped – and been shaped by – the River Thames
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Observe the Moon at the Royal Observatory
Come along to the Royal Observatory for a day of activities focused around our beautiful natural satellite, the Moon!
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Zeenat Mahal: the exiled queen
Senior curator Victoria Lane explores the stories behind a newly acquired miniature of the last Mughal Empress
Night Sky Highlights - September 2024
Find out what to see in the September night sky, from naked-eye objects around Cassiopeia, to a partial lunar eclipse, and more.
The Merchant Navy's role in the Falklands conflict
Seafarers, volunteers and nursing officers share their experiences during the Falklands conflict as part of a National Maritime Museum oral history project
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4. Astronomy and print
A Sea of Symbols
Captain George Pechell Mends (circa 1814 – 1871)
Foreign Shores
Green Blackwall collection
Herschel family
Lieutenant Gabriel Bray (1750–1823)
Maritime Art Greenwich
Michael Graham-Stewart collection
Nature and National Waters
Nicholas Pocock
Oil paintings
Opium Wars
Patronage, Battles and the Exotic
Popular Astronomy
Prints, drawings and watercolours
Recent acquisitions
Sketchbooks and albums
Telescopes Online Gallery
The Herschels as collectors
The Opium Wars
The Rise of the Seascape
Van de Velde drawings
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Special collections
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Green Blackwall collection
Michael Graham-Stewart collection
Nicholas Pocock
Oil paintings
Prints, drawings and watercolours
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aerospace transport: aircraft
aerospace transport: aircraft (German)
aerospace transport: aircraft: beaufighter (aircraft)
aerospace transport: aircraft: flying boat
armament t&e, ammunition: depth charges
armament t&e, artillery: cannon (type Q)
building: castle
building: church
building: clock tower
building: fort
building: fort (Netherlands)
building: house
building: lighthouse
building: rectory
building: school
building: tower
building: tower, fortified
ceremonial artifact: flag (royal standard)
ceremonial artifact: flag, union
ceremonial artifact: obelisk (Egyptian)
ceremonial artifact: standard, royal (flag)
mechanical t&e: crane
Mr Attrill’s Sailshop, Bembridge, Isle of Wight
oil on board
Oil Painting
Oil painting
oil painting
Oil Paintings
original art: painting
original art: painting, oil(?)
original art: picture
other structure: boatbuilding yard
other structure: breakwater, artifical (gooseberry)
other structure: derrick, coal
other structure: dock, grain
other structure: dockyard
other structure: dry dock
other structure: fortification
other structure: harbour
other structure: harbour (Netherlands)
other structure: harbour, mulberry
other structure: jetty
other structure: pier
other structure: port
other structure: port (UK)
other structure: port, Barbary
painting, oil
personal symbol: coat of arms
Self portrait of William Anderson
surveying & navigational t&e: quadrant (Elton's)
surveying & navigational t&e: quadrant (Smith's)
water transport: cargo vessel: barge
water transport: cargo vessel: barge, hay
water transport: cargo vessel: barge, Thames
water transport: cargo vessel: barque, timber (Denmark)
water transport: cargo vessel: brig
water transport: cargo vessel: brig (HEIC)
water transport: cargo vessel: brig, revenue
water transport: cargo vessel: clipper
water transport: cargo vessel: clipper (USA)
water transport: cargo vessel: clipper, opium
water transport: cargo vessel: clipper, tea
water transport: cargo vessel: collier
water transport: cargo vessel: coolie ship
water transport: cargo vessel: cruiser, merchant
water transport: cargo vessel: cutter, smuggling
water transport: cargo vessel: East Indiaman
water transport: cargo vessel: East Indiaman (UK)
water transport: cargo vessel: frigate, Blackwall
water transport: cargo vessel: Indiaman (Netherlands)
water transport: cargo vessel: junk (Chinese)
water transport: cargo vessel: junk, trading
water transport: cargo vessel: junk, war
water transport: cargo vessel: keel, Humber
water transport: cargo vessel: liner, cargo
water transport: cargo vessel: lorry, amphibious
water transport: cargo vessel: merchantman
water transport: cargo vessel: merchantman (Netherlands)
water transport: cargo vessel: packet
water transport: cargo vessel: packet (Channel)
water transport: cargo vessel: packet (Falmouth)
water transport: cargo vessel: packet (Post Office)
water transport: cargo vessel: slaver
water transport: cargo vessel: smack, coasting
water transport: cargo vessel: smuggler
water transport: cargo vessel: smuggler (France)
water transport: cargo vessel: snow
water transport: cargo vessel: tanker
water transport: cargo vessel: tanker, oil (USA)
water transport: cargo vessel: West Indiaman
water transport: exploration/research vessel: schooner, survey (HMS)
water transport: exploration/research vessel: survey vessel (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel (RIM)
water transport: fighting vessel (UK)
water transport: fighting vessel: 1st rate
water transport: fighting vessel: 1st rate (France)
water transport: fighting vessel: 1st rate (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 2 decker
water transport: fighting vessel: 2 decker (France)
water transport: fighting vessel: 2 decker (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 2 decker (Netherlands)
water transport: fighting vessel: 2nd rate (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 3 decker
water transport: fighting vessel: 3 decker (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 3 decker (Netherlands)
water transport: fighting vessel: 3 decker (Spain)
water transport: fighting vessel: 3rd rate
water transport: fighting vessel: 3rd rate (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 4th rate (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 5th rate (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 5th rate (Spain)
water transport: fighting vessel: 6th rate (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 30 gun ship (Netherlands)
water transport: fighting vessel: 32 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 42 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 46 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 48 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 50 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 54 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 56 gun ship (Netherlands)
water transport: fighting vessel: 58-72 gun ship (Netherlands)
water transport: fighting vessel: 100 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: aircraft carrier
water transport: fighting vessel: aircraft carrier (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: aircraft carrier (USS)
water transport: fighting vessel: armoured ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: battlecruiser (Germany)
water transport: fighting vessel: battlecruiser (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: battleship
water transport: fighting vessel: battleship (Chile)
water transport: fighting vessel: battleship (Germany)
water transport: fighting vessel: battleship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: battleship, central battery (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: bomb vessel (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: brig (Denmark)
water transport: fighting vessel: brig (English) ?
water transport: fighting vessel: brig (France)
water transport: fighting vessel: brig (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: brig, gun (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: brig ?
water transport: fighting vessel: brigantine (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: canoe, war
water transport: fighting vessel: carrack (Portugal)
water transport: fighting vessel: carrack ?
water transport: fighting vessel: corvette
water transport: fighting vessel: corvette (France)
water transport: fighting vessel: corvette (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser (Germany)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser (Greece)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, 2nd class (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, armed merchant
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, heavy (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, light (Ceres class: HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, light (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, light (Sweden)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, torpedo (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cutter
water transport: fighting vessel: dazzle ship
water transport: fighting vessel: dazzle ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: destroyer
water transport: fighting vessel: destroyer (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: destroyer, flotilla leader (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: DUKW
water transport: fighting vessel: escort carrier (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: flagship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: flagship (Netherlands)
water transport: fighting vessel: flute (Netherlands)
water transport: fighting vessel: flute (UK)
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate (France)
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate (Netherlands)
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate (steam)
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate (steam: Denmark)
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate (Turkey)
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate (USS)
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate, paddle
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate, steam (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: galleon
water transport: fighting vessel: galleon (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: galley
water transport: fighting vessel: galley (France)
water transport: fighting vessel: guardship
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat (Denmark)
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat (France)
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat (USS)
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat, motor
water transport: fighting vessel: gunvessel (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: ironclad (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: ketch
water transport: fighting vessel: ketch, bomb
water transport: fighting vessel: ketch ?
water transport: fighting vessel: landing craft
water transport: fighting vessel: landing ship, tank
water transport: fighting vessel: longship, Viking
water transport: fighting vessel: lugger (Denmark) ?
water transport: fighting vessel: lugger (France)
water transport: fighting vessel: lugger (France) ?
water transport: fighting vessel: lugger, pirate
water transport: fighting vessel: lugger ?
water transport: fighting vessel: man o' war
water transport: fighting vessel: man o' war (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: man o' war (Netherlands)
water transport: fighting vessel: man o' war (Spain)
water transport: fighting vessel: man o' war (UK)
water transport: fighting vessel: merchant cruiser, armed
water transport: fighting vessel: minesweeper
water transport: fighting vessel: minesweeper (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: pirate
water transport: fighting vessel: pirate (Barbary)
water transport: fighting vessel: pirate, Barbary
water transport: fighting vessel: privateer
water transport: fighting vessel: privateer (America)
water transport: fighting vessel: privateer (France)
water transport: fighting vessel: privateer (Netherlands)
water transport: fighting vessel: privateer (UK)
water transport: fighting vessel: raider
water transport: fighting vessel: ship (American vessels: captured) ?
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop (RIM)
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, brig (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, paddle (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: submarine
water transport: fighting vessel: submarine (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: submarine, midget
water transport: fighting vessel: submarine, U boat
water transport: fighting vessel: submarine, U boat (Germany)
water transport: fighting vessel: torpedo boat, motor
water transport: fighting vessel: trawler, minesweeping
water transport: fighting vessel: treasure ship (Spain)
water transport: fighting vessel: turret ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: warship (France)
water transport: fighting vessel: warship (Netherlands)
water transport: fighting vessel: warship (Spain)
water transport: fishing vessel
water transport: fishing vessel: buss, herring
water transport: fishing vessel: crab boat
water transport: fishing vessel: curragh (Ireland)
water transport: fishing vessel: dogger (Netherlands) ?
water transport: fishing vessel: fishing boat
water transport: fishing vessel: fishing boat (France)
water transport: fishing vessel: fishing boat (mussel)
water transport: fishing vessel: fishing boat (Netherlands)
water transport: fishing vessel: lugger, fishing
water transport: fishing vessel: pink, fishing
water transport: fishing vessel: smack, fishing
water transport: fishing vessel: trawler, Brixham
water transport: hunting vessel: whaler
water transport: hunting vessel: whaler (Netherlands)
water transport: liberty boat
water transport: local craft (China)
water transport: local craft (Malta)
water transport: local craft (Society Islands)
water transport: local craft (Tahiti)
water transport: motor launch (HMS)
water transport: motor vessel: collier, diesel
water transport: muffy
water transport: passenger vessel: Cunarder ?
water transport: passenger vessel: ferry
water transport: passenger vessel: ferry (Netherlands)
water transport: passenger vessel: liner, passenger
water transport: passenger vessel: liner, passenger ?
water transport: passenger vessel: tilt boat
water transport: recreation vessel: barge, royal
water transport: recreation vessel: barge, sailing
water transport: recreation vessel: barge, sailing (medieval)
water transport: recreation vessel: barge, sailing (Medway)
water transport: recreation vessel: brigantine ?
water transport: recreation vessel: ketch
water transport: recreation vessel: ketch ?
water transport: recreation vessel: schooner ?
water transport: recreation vessel: yacht
water transport: sailing vessel
water transport: sailing vessel: barge, sailing
water transport: sailing vessel: barge, spritsail
water transport: sailing vessel: barque
water transport: sailing vessel: barque (Japan)
water transport: sailing vessel: barque, 3 masted
water transport: sailing vessel: barque, 4 masted
water transport: sailing vessel: barquentine
water transport: sailing vessel: brig
water transport: sailing vessel: brigantine
water transport: sailing vessel: clipper
water transport: sailing vessel: clipper, barque rigged
water transport: sailing vessel: sailing ship
water transport: sailing vessel: schooner
water transport: sailing vessel: schooner (America)
water transport: sailing vessel: schooner (HMS)
water transport: sailing vessel: schooner, staysail
water transport: sailing vessel: schooner, topsail
water transport: sailing vessel: schooner, topsail (America)
water transport: sailing vessel: trawler, sailing (Harwich)
water transport: service vessel: barge, funeral
water transport: service vessel: barge, livery
water transport: service vessel: barge, royal
water transport: service vessel: barge, state
water transport: service vessel: barge, state (Netherlands)
water transport: service vessel: barge, swim-head
water transport: service vessel: blockship
water transport: service vessel: boom defence vessel
water transport: service vessel: brig, Trinity House
water transport: service vessel: cable ship
water transport: service vessel: cutter, pilot
water transport: service vessel: cutter, revenue
water transport: service vessel: despatch vessel (HMS)
water transport: service vessel: dinghy ?
water transport: service vessel: gig, ship's
water transport: service vessel: hulk
water transport: service vessel: hulk, powder (HMS)
water transport: service vessel: hulk, prison
water transport: service vessel: hulk, quarantine
water transport: service vessel: launch, rescue
water transport: service vessel: lifeboat
water transport: service vessel: lifeboat (Cromer)
water transport: service vessel: lightship
water transport: service vessel: lugger, Deal
water transport: service vessel: oiler (Germany)
water transport: service vessel: pilgrim ship (Venice)
water transport: service vessel: pilot boat
water transport: service vessel: raft
water transport: service vessel: raft (Netherlands)
water transport: service vessel: rowing boat
water transport: service vessel: salvage vessel
water transport: service vessel: schooner, pilot
water transport: service vessel: ship's boat
water transport: service vessel: slaver
water transport: service vessel: slaver (Brazil)
water transport: service vessel: state vessel (Venice)
water transport: service vessel: storeship (HMS)
water transport: service vessel: troopship
water transport: service vessel: troopship (India: HMS)
water transport: service vessel: tug
water transport: service vessel: tug (HMS)
water transport: service vessel: tug (Netherlands)
water transport: service vessel: tug, paddle
water transport: service vessel: tug, salvage
water transport: ship, model
water transport: steam & sailing vessel
water transport: steam & sailing vessel: steamship, brig rigged
water transport: steam vessel
water transport: steam vessel, paddle
water transport: steam vessel, paddle (America)
water transport: steam vessel, paddle (HMS)
water transport: steam vessel: barge, steam
water transport: steam vessel: steamship
water transport: steam vessel: steamship (America)
water transport: steam vessel: steamship (HMS)
water transport: steam vessel: trawler, steam (Harwich)
water transport: steam vessel: tug
water transport: training vessel: barque, sail training (Japan)
water transport: training vessel: training ship (HMS)
water transport: training vessel: yacht, training
water transport: trawler
water transport: trawler (Lowestoft)
water transport: unknown function: aqhaisa (Malta)
water transport: unknown function: barge
water transport: unknown function: barge (Netherlands)
water transport: unknown function: boat
water transport: unknown function: boat (Venice)
water transport: unknown function: brick (France)
water transport: unknown function: brig
water transport: unknown function: brig (America)
water transport: unknown function: brig (Denmark)
water transport: unknown function: brigantine
water transport: unknown function: brigantine (Mediterranean)
water transport: unknown function: coaster ?
water transport: unknown function: craft (Netherlands)
water transport: unknown function: cutter
water transport: unknown function: cutter (France)
water transport: unknown function: felucca
water transport: unknown function: galeass
water transport: unknown function: galjoot (Netherlands)
water transport: unknown function: hooker
water transport: unknown function: junk
water transport: unknown function: kaag (Netherlands)
water transport: unknown function: ketch
water transport: unknown function: ketch ?
water transport: unknown function: motor boat
water transport: unknown function: polacre (fishing vessel)
water transport: unknown function: ship
water transport: unknown function: ship (Algerine)
water transport: unknown function: ship (America)
water transport: unknown function: ship (Denmark)
water transport: unknown function: ship (Dutch)
water transport: unknown function: ship (English)
water transport: unknown function: ship (France)
water transport: unknown function: ship (Middelburg)
water transport: unknown function: ship (Netherlands)
water transport: unknown function: ship (Netherlnds)
water transport: unknown function: ship (Spain)
water transport: unknown function: ship (UK)
water transport: unknown function: ship (Zeeland)
water transport: unknown function: sloop
water transport: unknown function: sloop (HMS)
water transport: unknown function: sloop (USA)
water transport: unknown function: sloop (USS)
water transport: unknown function: sloop, Humber
water transport: unknown function: smack
water transport: unknown function: smack (Netherlands)
water transport: unknown function: smalschip (Netherlands)
water transport: unknown function: weyschuit (Netherlands)
water transport: unknown function: wijdschip (Netherlands)
water transport: yacht
water transport: yacht (America)
water transport: yacht (HMY)
water transport: yacht (Ireland)
water transport: yacht (J Class)
water transport: yacht (J class)
water transport: yacht (J Class?)
water transport: yacht (Netherlands)
water transport: yacht (UK)
water transport: yacht, admiralty (Netherlands)
water transport: yacht, bezan (Netherlands)
water transport: yacht, boeier (Netherlands)
water transport: yacht, cutter
water transport: yacht, ketch rigged
water transport: yacht, ketch rigged (HMS)
water transport: yacht, royal (HMS)
water transport: yacht, royal (HMY)
water transport: yacht, royal (ketch rigged: HMY)
water transport: yacht, royal (smack: HMY)
water transport: yacht, schooner
water transport: yacht, schooner (Bermuda rigged)
water transport: yacht, States (Netherlands)
water transport: yacht, Trinity House
water transport: yacht ?
water transport: yawl
water transport: yawl, Scarborough
water transport accessory: binnacle
water transport accessory: figurehead (mermaid)
water transport accessory: lifebelt
water transport accessory: mainsail (clews hauled up)
water transport component: fo'c'sle
water transport component: forecastle
water transport equipment: sails, mainmast (mainsail and topsails)
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17th-century Dutch-style wooden frame
Acrylic medium on hardboard.
Acrylic on canvas
Beeswax on mahogany panel
black paint
copper panel
decorators paint? on canvas
Egg tempera on canvas on panel
gold paint
gouache on paper
Grisaille (pen and brush on canvas)
grisaille on canvas
Grisaille on canvas
Grisaille on canvas/panel
grisaille on panel
Grisaille on panel
Grisaille on vellum
metal: tin
oil? on board
oil? on leather on metal
oil grisaille on wood panel
Oil on artist's prepared board
oil on artists board
Oil on artists board
oil on artists canvas board
Oil on artists prepared board
oil on Artists prepared board
oil on board
Oil on board
Oil on board?
oil on canvas
Oil on canvas
Oil on canvas
oil on canvas (originally oil on panel)
oil on canvas (unstretched)
oil on canvas, frame
Oil on canvas, frame
oil on canvas, laid on board
oil on canvas, marouflaged onto Sundaela board
oil on canvas board
Oil on canvas board
oil on canvas covered board
oil on canvas faced board
Oil on canvas glued to hardboard.
oil on canvas maroufalged on sundeala board
Oil on canvas marouflagaed on sundeala board
oil on canvas marouflaged on board
oil on canvas marouflaged on Sundaela board
oil on canvas marouflaged on Sundeala board
oil on canvas marouflaged on sundeala board
Oil on canvas marouflaged on Sundeala board
Oil on canvas marouflaged on sundeala board
Oil on canvas marouflaged on Sundeala board
oil on canvas marouflaged on sundeala board,
Oil on canvas marouflaged onto board
oil on canvas marouflaged onto hardboard
Oil on canvas marouflaged onto Sundaela board
oil on canvas marouflaged onto Sundaela board
oil on canvas marouflaged onto sundaela board
Oil on canvas marouflaged onto Sundeala board
oil on canvas marouflaged onto Sundeala board
Oil on canvas marouflaged onto sundeala board
oil on canvas mounted on board
oil on canvas No frame
oil on canvas on artists board
oil on canvas on artists board No frame
oil on canvas on board
Oil on canvas on board
Oil on canvas on card
Oil on canvas on cardboard
Oil on canvas on millboard
Oil on canvas on panel
oil on canvas on panel
oil on canvas on plywood
Oil on canvas on sundeala board
oil on canvas on sundeala board
oil on card
oil on cardboard
oil on cavas
Oil on commercial hardboard
Oil on fabric covered board
Oil on gauze covered hardboard
Oil on glass
oil on hardboard
Oil on hardboard
Oil on leathercloth
oil on mahogany panel
oil on metal
Oil on metal
oil on millboard
Oil on millboard
oil on oak panel
Oil on oak panel
oil on panel
Oil on panel
oil on panel
oil on panel, frame
Oil on panel, frame
oil on panel using pen and brush
oil on paper
Oil on paper
oil on paper backed on millboard
oil on paper marouflaged on hardboard
oil on paper on board
oil on paper on canvas
oil on paper on card
Oil on paper on cardboard
oil on paper on cardboard
oil on paper on panel
oil on pine panel
oil on plywood
oil on plywood board
Oil on plywood panel
oil on poplar panel
oil on pulp board
Oil on pulpboard
oil on slate
oil on strawboard
Oil on textured artists paper
Oil on thick fabric-backed paper (verso of a chart)
oil on wood panel
oil or acrylic on canvas
oil paint
oil painting
Oil painting, frame
oil sketch
Oil sketch on hardboard
oil with brown pigment on oak panel, frame
oil with graphite on card mounted on plywood panel
organic: canvas
organic: canvas board
organic: paper
organic: wood-gilt
organic: wood: oak
original oak frame and steel plaque
pen and brush on panel
pulp board
synthetic: glass
wood panel
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Display Location
Display Location
Display Location
Display - Atlantic Gallery
Display - Nelson, Navy, Nation Gallery
Display - Pacific Encounters Gallery
Display - Polar Worlds Gallery
Display - QH
Display - ROG
Display - Traders Gallery
Display - Tudor and Stuart Seafarers Gallery
Display - Voyagers
Not on display
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Abbott, after Lemuel Francis
Abbott, Lemuel Francis
Adam, Edmond Victor Charles
Adam, Marie-Edouard
Adams, John Clayton
Adrien van de Veen
after Sir Peter Lely
Alfred Gomersal Vickers
Allan, William
Allen, W.
American School
American School, 19th century
Amies, Anthony Desmond
Anderson, William
Anthonissen, Hendrick van
Anthonisz, Aert
Apollodoro, Francesco
Arnald, George
Arnulphy, Claude
Arthur Robertson
Atkinson, Robert P.
Ayshford, Paul
Backhuysen, Ludolf
Backhuysen, Style of Ludolf
Badger, Solon Francis Montecello
Baen, Jan de
Baines, John Thomas
Baker, Georgina Shaw
Baker, R. E.
Baldwin, W. T.
Bannister, W. Geoffrey
Bardwell, Thomas
Barkworth, Henry
Barr, George Renwick
Battem, Gerrit
Beach, Thomas
Beale, Mary
Beare, George
Beaufort, E. P.
Beechey, after William
Beechey, George Duncan
Beechey, Richard Brydges
Beechey, William
Beecq, Jan Karel Donatus van
Beerstraaten, Johannes
Beerstraten, Jan Abrahamsz
Bell, R.
Bellevois, Jacob Adriaensz
Bendixen, Siegfried Detlen
Benjamin Franklin West
Bennett, D. G.
Berckman, Hendrick
Beresford, Frank Ernest
Bergen, Claus
Bettes, John
Beyeren, Abraham Hendricksz van
Birchall, H. B.
Birley, Oswald Hornby Joseph
Blanckerhoff, Jan Theunisz
Bles, Herri met den
Bloot, Pieter de
Bol, Cornelis
Bol, Ferdinand
Bone, after Henry
Bone, Stephen
Boons, T. or F.
Borcht, Hendrick van der
Boudin, Eugène Louis
Bough, Samuel
Bourne, George
Bourne, J.
Bouttats, Jan Baptiste
Bouwmeester, Cornelis
Boycott-Brown, Hugh
Bradbury, Arthur Royce
Bradley, William
Bramwell, Southby
Brangwyn, Frank William
Brierly, Oswald Walters
Briggs, Henry Perronet
Bright, Henry
Briscoe, Arthur John Reginald Trevor
British School
British School, 16th century
British School, 17th century
British School, 18th century
British School, 18th century (after Sir Godfrey Kneller)
British School, 19th century
British School, 20th century
British School, probably after Cornelis Ketel
Brompton, Richard
Brooking, Charles
Brown, Mather
Brown, Tom B.
Browne, J.
Brueghel, Jan
Brunt, John Eldershaw
Bunce, William Gedney
Burgess, Arthur James Wetherall
Burnet, John
Burwood, George Vemply
Bury, Brenda
Butland, G. W.
Butler, Gaspar
Butler, Herbert E.
Buttersworth, circle of Thomas
Buttersworth, James Edward
Buttersworth, Thomas
Cabel, Adriaan van der
Callander, Adam
Callcott, Augustus Wall
Calleja, Gaetano
Callow, H.
Callow, John
Campbell, Reginald Henry
Canal, Antonio Giovanni
Cappelle, Jan van de
Capt Robert Williams
Carlile, P G
Carmichael, John Wilson
Carpenter, Margaret Sarah
Carr, Henry Marvell
Cast, Jesse Dale
Castro, Lorenzo A.
Castro, Sebastian
Cecconi, Niccolo
Cerebus, W E
Chalon, John James
Chamberlin, Mason
Chambers, George
Chambers, George William Crawford
Chappell, Reuben
Charles Deane
Chinese School
Chinese School, 19th century
Chinese School, 20th century
Chinnery, George
Christopherson, Anne
Circle of Jan Brueghel, the Elder
Clark, William
Clarke, George Frederick
Clements, H.
Cleveley, John
Cleveley, Robert
Clibborn, W. B.
Clifford, Henry
Clifford, John
Cobb, Charles David
Cochin, Nicolas
Coker, Peter Godfrey
Cole, Leslie
Cole, M.
Collet, John
Collier, Edwaert
Collier, John
Colls, Ebenezer
Condy, Nicholas
Condy, Nicolas Matthew
Cook, John
Cook, John Kingsley
Cooke, Edward William
Cooper, after Samuel
Coopse, Pieter
Cope, Arthur Stockdale
Copley, John Singleton
Copnall, Frank Thomas
Coques, Gonzales
Corby, J W
Cornelisz Claessen, Cornelisz
Cosway, Richard
Cotes, Francis
Craskell, Thomas
Cree, Robert
Croos, Jacob van der
Croos, Jan Jacobsz van der
Cruikshank, Frederick
Cruz, Juan Pantoja de la
Cruz, Pantoja de la
Cudlip, S. B.
Cudlip, Samuel Bentham
Cull, Alma Claude Burlton
Cundall, Charles Ernest
D'Agar, Charles
Dahl, Michael
Danby, Thomas
Dance, George
Dance, Nathaniel
Danckerts, Hendrick
Danckerts, Johan
Dandridge, Bartholomew
Daniell, William
Danloux, Henri Pierre
Dare, Joseph Stafford
Davidson, Thomas
Davis, George Horace
Davison, Jeremiah
Dawson, Montague
de Critz, John
Denizot, Nicholas
Derek George Montague Gardner
De Simone, Tommaso
DesRochers, Michel
Devas, Anthony
Devis, Arthur William
Dickinson, Cato Lowes
Diest, Adriaen van
Diest, Jeronimus van
Diest, Willem Hermansz van
Dighton, Denis
Dixon, Charles Edward
Dixon, E.
Dixon, J.
Dixon, William
Dobson, William
Dodd, Robert
Doherty, H.
Dorman, J.
Douglas, Bloomfield
Douglas, William Bloomfield
Dowinar, B. M.
Downman, John
Dring, Dennis
Dring, Dennis William
Dring, William
Drummond, Buchanan McMillan
Drummond, Samuel
Dubbels, Hendrik Jacobsz
Dudley, Robert
Dudley, Robert Charles
Duncan, Edward
Dunn, Lawson
Dupont, Gainsborough
Dyck, Anthony van
Dyck, Style of Anthony van
Earle, Augustus
Edward Hoyer
Eertvelt, Andries van
Elliott, William
English School
English School, 16th century
English School, 17th century
Eurich, Richard Ernst
Everett, (Herbert Barnard) John
Ewart, David Shanks
Fannen, John Fairbairn
Farington, Joseph
Flessiers, attributed to Tobias
Fowles, Arthur Wellington
Francis Pocock
Fraser, John
Furse, William Henry
Gainsborough, Thomas
Gale, J.
Galea, Luigi Maria
Garneray, Ambrose-Louis
George Mounsey Wheatley Atkinson
George Webster
Gheeraerts, Marcus
Gianni, Giancinto
Gibson, Thomas
Goderis, Hans
Greenhill, John
Greenwood, George Parker
Gribble, Bernard Finegan
Griffier, Jan
Gruyter, Jacob de
Guzzardi, Leonardo
Hagen, Johan van der
Hailstone, Bernard
Halls, John James
Harris, James
Harris, William
Hayter, George
Heard, Joseph
Highmore, Joseph
Hodges, J. Sydney Willis
Hodges, William
Hogarth, William
Holbein, Hans
Holland, James
Holman, Francis
Hone, Nathaniel
Hoppner, John
Hornbrook, Thomas Lyde
Horne, R
Hoskins, J.
Hudson, Thomas
Huggins, James Miller
Huggins, William John
Hunt, Edmund Aubrey
Hunten, F.
Ibbetson, Julius Caesar
Italian School, 19th century
Jackson, John
Jamieson, Peter
Jansen, Adrianus Johannes
Jansen, Harry J.
Jean-Baptiste Bonnecroy
John Leigh-Pemberton
Jones, C. M.
Jones, George
Jordan, J
Joy, William
Kettle, Tilly
Knapton, George
Knell, William Adolphus
Kneller, Godfrey
Knox, Peter
Knyff, Jacob
Lacy, Charles John de
Lamb, Henry Taylor
Lane, Samuel
Langmaid, Rowland John Robb
Lawson, Cecil Constant Philip
Lawson, Cecil CP
Lely, Peter
Loeff, Jacob Gerritsz
Loutherbourg, Philippe-Jacques de
Lucas, John
Luny, Thomas
Lynn, John
Maltese School
Man, L. De
Marks, Barnett Samuel
Marshall, Joseph
Martino, Eduardo de
McEvoy, (Arthur) Ambrose
McFarlane, Duncan
Mears, George
Medley, Samuel
Minderhout, Hendrik van
Mitchell, Thomas
Mitchell, William Frederick
Mohrmann, John Henry
Monamy, Peter
Moore, Henry
Mooy, Cornelis Pietersz
Morgan, H. J.
Morton, Andrew
Moses, Henry
Mulier, Pieter
Murday, J.
Myers, Mark Richard
Netherlandish School, 17th century
Nibbs, Richard Henry
Nooms, Reinier
Northcote, James
Nowell, William Calmody
O'Neil, Henry Nelson
Orme, Daniel
Ouless, Philip John
Owen, William
Padday, Charles Murray
Paton, Richard
Peake, Robert
Pearce, Stephen
Pearn, W.
Pears, Charles
Peeters, Bonaventura
Peeters, Jan
Pellegrini, Domenico
Perez, Matteo
Phillips, after Thomas
Phillips, Thomas
Pickersgill, Henry William
Plattenberg, Matthieu van
Pocock, Isaac
Pocock, Nicholas
Porcellis, Jan
Porcellis, Julius
Powell, Charles Martin
Purvis, T. G.
Raeburn, Henry
Ramsey, G.
Randall, Maurice
Rebecca Bolton
Reynolds, Joshua
Reynolds, Style of Joshua
Richardson, Jonathan
Rietschoof, Hendrik
Rietschoof, Jan Claesz
Rigaud, John Francis
Romney, George
Roworth, Edward
Sailmaker, Isaac
Salm, Adriaen van
Salmon, John Francis
Salmon, Robert
Sartorius, Francis
Say, Frederick Richard
Schellinks, Daniel
Schetky, John Christian
School, Netherlandish
Schranz, Giovanni
Scott, John
Scott, Samuel
Seaforth, Charles Henry
Semple, Joseph
Serres, Dominic
Serres, John Thomas
Shee, Martin Archer
Shephard, Rupert Norman
Shepperson, Matthew
Silas, Ellis Luciano
Sillemans, Experiens
Silo, Adam
Simone, Antonio de
Simpson, John
Skillett, Stephen Dadd
Smirke, Robert
Smyth, Charles Piazzi
Soest, Pieter Cornelisz van
Somerscales, Thomas Jacques
Spencer, Richard Ball
Spencer, William Ball
Staets, Hendrick
Stanfield, Clarkson
Stone, Richard
Storck, Abraham
Storck, style of Abraham
Stothard, Thomas
Stuart, Gilbert
Stubbs, George
Studio of Daniel Mytens the Elder
Studio of Ludolf Backhuysen
style of John Cleveley, the Younger
style of Sir Godfrey Kneller
Swaine, Francis
Swaine, Monamy
Tanabe, Minoru
the Younger, after Willem van de Velde,
the Younger, John Cleveley,
Thomas, Robert Strickland
Thornhill, James
Tillemans, Pieter
Tudgay, Frederick
Tudgay, John L.
Turner, Charles Edward
Turner, Daniel
Unidentified artist
Vale, H.
van Salm, Roelof
Velde, Pieter van den
Velde, style of Willem van de
Velde, Willem van de, the Elder
Velde, Willem van de, the Younger
Verbeeck, Cornelisz
Verschuier, Lieve Pietersz
Verwer, Abraham de
Vlieger, Simon de
Vogelaer, Pieter
Vorsterman, Johannes
Vries, Joachim de
Vroom, Hendrick Cornelisz
Wagner, Cornelius
Wales-Smith, Arthur Douglas
Walker, Robert
Walter, Joseph
Walters, Samuel
Ward, John Stanton
Webb, James
Webber, John
West, Benjamin
Westall, Richard
Westall, William
Whitcombe, Thomas
Wieringen, Cornelis Claesz van
Wilcox, Leslie Arthur
Wilkie, David
Wilkinson, Norman
Willaerts, Abraham
Willaerts, Adam
William Artaud
Wilson, Benjamin
Wilson, John James
Witham, Joseph
Witmont, Heerman
Wittel, Gaspar van
Wollaston, John
Wonnacott, John
Wood, John
Wood, Peter Macdonagh
Woodcock, Robert
Worsley, John Godfrey Bernard
Wou, Claes
Wright, Richard
Wyatt, Henry
Wyllie, Charles William
Wyllie, William Lionel
Yorke, William Horde
Yorke, William Howard
Zoffany, Johann
Apply Filter
United Kingdom
Villefranche, France
Apply Filter
America's Cup
American War of Independence, 1775-1783
American War of Independence: Battle of Doggerbank, 1781
American War of Independence: Battle of Saint Kitts, 1782
American War of Independence: Battle of the Chesapeake, 1781
American War of Independence: Battle of the Saints, 1782
American War of Independence: Siege of Gibraltar, 1779
Anglo-French War: Battle of Negapatam, 1782
Anglo-Spanish War: Battle of Cape St Vincent, 1780
Anglo-Spanish War: Spanish Armada, 1588
Antarctic Exploration: James Clark Ross's voyage, 1838-1843
Apia cyclone, 1889
Arctic Exploration: Back's voyage, 1836-1837
Arctic Exploration: Franklin Search Expedition, Inglefield, 1852
Arctic Exploration: North Pole expedition, Phipps, 1773
Battle of Actium, 31BC
Bombardment of Algiers, 1816
Cowes Week, 1826
Crimean War, 1854-1856
Crimean War: Siege of Sebastopol,1854-1855
Cutty Sark races Thermopylae, 1872
Death of Captain James Cook, 1779
Egypt War: Bombardment of Alexandria, 1882
Eighty Years' War, 1568-1648
Eighty Years' War: Battle of Dunkirk, 1639
Eighty Years' War: Battle of the Downs, 1639
Exploration: Cook's First Voyage, 1768
Exploration: Cook's Third Voyage, 1776
First Anglo-Dutch War, 1652-1654
First Anglo-Dutch War: Battle of Dungeness, 1652
First Anglo-Dutch War: Battle of Leghorn, 1653
First Anglo-Dutch War: Battle of Scheveningen, 1653
First Anglo-Dutch War: Battle of the Gabbard, 1653
First crossing of the Atlantic by steam, 1819
First Opium War, 1840-1842
Fourth Ottoman-Venetian War: Battle of Lepanto, 1571
Franco-Dutch War: Defeat of the Dutch-Spanish fleet off Augusta, 1676
French Revolutionary Wars, 1792-1802
French Revolutionary Wars: Action off Toulon, 1795
French Revolutionary Wars: Battle of Camperdown, 1797
French Revolutionary Wars: Battle of Cape St Vincent, 1797
French Revolutionary Wars: Battle of Martinique, 1794
French Revolutionary Wars: Battle of the Glorious First of June, 1794
French Revolutionary Wars: Battle of the Nile, 1798
French Revolutionary Wars: Capture of Fort Louis, 1793
French Revolutionary Wars: Capture of Hermione, 1799
French Revolutionary Wars: Capture of Résistance and Constance, 1797
French Revolutionary Wars: Capture of the Guillaume Tell, 1800
French Revolutionary Wars: Capture of the Pique, 1795
French Revolutionary Wars: Capture of Trinidad, 1797
French Revolutionary Wars: Destruction of Droits de l'Homme, 1797
Great Storm, 1703
Greek War of Independence, Battle of Navarino, 1827
Mutiny at the Nore, 1797
Napoleonic Wars, 1803-1815
Napoleonic Wars: Action in Burgur Harbour, 1807
Napoleonic Wars: Action off Venice, 1812
Napoleonic Wars: Attack on Spartan, 1810
Napoleonic Wars: Battle of Cape Finisterre, 1805
Napoleonic Wars: Battle of Copenhagen, 1801
Napoleonic Wars: Battle of Trafalgar, 1805
Napoleonic Wars: Capture of Saint Paul, 1809
Napoleonic Wars: Capture of the Admiral Jawl, 1808
Napoleonic Wars: Duckworth's action off San Domingo, 1806
Napoleonic Wars: Loss of the Arrow and Acheron, 1805
Napoleonic Wars: Rovigno, 1809
Napoleonic Wars: Strachan's Action, 1805
Nine Years' War: Battle of Bantry Bay, 1689
Nine Years' War: Battle of Barfleur, 1692
Nine Years' War: Battle of La Hougue, 1692
Nine Years' War: Carrickfergus, 1690
Royal Commonwealth Tour, 1954
Second Anglo-Dutch War: Attack on Harwich, 1667
Second Anglo-Dutch War: Attack on the Medway, 1667
Second Anglo-Dutch War: Battle of Lowestoft, 1665
Second Anglo-Dutch War; 1665-1667
Second Anglo–Dutch War: Four Days Fight, 1666
Seven Years' War, 1756-1763
Seven Years' War: Battle of Lagos, 1759
Seven Years' War: Battle of Quiberon Bay, 1759
Seven Years' War: Capture of Geriah, 1756
Seven Years' War: Capture of Havana, 1762
Seven Years' War: Capture of Saint Lucia, 1762
Siege of Malta, 1565
Somerset House Conference, 1604
Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939
Surrender of The High Seas Fleet, 1918
Sweden-Denmark War: Battle of The Sound, 1658
Thames Big Freeze, 1895
Third Anglo-Dutch War, 1672-1674
Third Anglo-Dutch War: Battle of Solebay, 1672
Third Anglo-Dutch War: Battle of Texel, 1673
Third Anglo-Dutch War: Battles of Schooneveld, 1673
War of 1812, 1812-1815
War of Jenkins' Ear, 1739-1748
War of Jenkins' Ear: Capture of Chagres, 1740
War of Jenkins' Ear: Capture of Porto Bello, 1739
War of the Austrian Succession: 1740-1748
War of the Austrian Succession: Battle of Cape Finisterre, 1747
War of the Austrian Succession: Battle of Havana, 1748
War of the Austrian Succession: Bombardment of Bastia, 1745
War of the Austrian Succession: Siege of Louisbourg, 1745
War of the Quadruple Alliance: Battle of Cape Passaro, 1718
War of the Spanish Succession, 1701-1714
War of the Spanish Succession: Battle of Malaga, 1704
War of the Spanish Succession: Battle of Vigo Bay, 1702
War of the Spanish Succession: Siege of Barcelona, 1706
War of the Spanish Succession: Siege of Gibraltar, 1704
Whitbread Round the World Yacht Race
World War I, 1914-1918
World War I: Battle of Jutland, 1916
World War I: Battle of the Falkland Islands, 1914
World War I: Gallipoli campaign, 1915-1916
World War I: Zeebrugge Raid, 1918
World War II, 1939-1945
World War II: Battle of Cape Matapan, 1941
World War II: Battle of River Plate, 1939
World War II: Battle of the Bay of Biscay, 1943
World War II: Bombardment of Genoa, 1941
World War II: Doolittle's raid on Japan, 1942
World War II: Evacuation of Dunkirk, 1940
World War II: Normandy Landings, 1944
World War II: Operation Corkscrew, 1943
World War II: Operation Demon, 1941
World War II: Operation Torch, 1942
World War II: Pearl Harbour, 1941
World War II: Second Battle of Narvik, 1940
World War II: Second Battle of Sirte, 1942
World War II: Sinking of Jervis Bay, 1940
World War II: Sinking of the City of Benares, 1940
Wreck of HMS Association, 1707
Wreck of HMS Thetis, 1830
Yangtze Incident, 1949
Apply Filter
A6 (1904)
Abbotsford (1835)
Acheron (purchased 1803)
Achilles (1757)
Achilles (1932)
Acorn (1838)
Active (1898)
Admiral Graf Spee (1934)
Admiral Scheer (1933)
Admiral Yawl (1808)
Adriatic (1871)
Adventure (1972)
Adventure (purchased 1771)
Afon Alaw (1891)
Agama (1937)
Agamemnon (1781)
Agincourt (1865)
Aigle (1800)
Airlie (1875)
Ajax (1934)
Alarm (1830)
Albatross 1852
Albert Victor (1866)
Albion ?
Alcide (captured 1755)
Alexander (1778)
Alexandra (1865)
Alexandra (1875)
Alexandra (1879)
Alicia Bland (1862)
Allerton (1822)
Alssund (1920)
Altmark (1939)
Amazone (1778)
Amelia (1634)
America (1850)
Amethyst (1799)
Amethyst (1943)
Amethyste (1753)
Amphion (1798)
Amsterdam (1594)
Aneroid (1874)
Anglo Saxon (1854)
Ann 1800
Anne Royden (1856)
Annie Jane (1853)
Anson (1886)
Antagonist (1852)
Antarctic (1850)
Apelles (1863)
Ardbeg (1855)
Arethusa (1934)
Ariel (1806)
Ariel (1821)
Ariel (1865)
Ark Royal (1937)
Arrow (1796)
Artemise (1794)
Artois (1780)
Arundel Castle (1921)
Ascalon (1868)
Asia (1811)
Asia (1824)
Asphodel (1862)
Assistance (1835)
Assurance (1646)
Astoria 1875
Athenian (1881)
Atlas (1812)
Atlas 1 (1861)
Augusta (1771)
Aurora (1809)
Australia 1850
Averoff (1910)
Badere Zaffer (captured 1808)
Baghdad (1871)
Baltic (1871)
Barfleur (1768)
Barfleur (1892)
Barham (1914)
Barossa (1873)
Beaufront (1837)
Bedouin (1937)
Belle of the Plym (1860)
Belle Poule (captured 1806)
Bellerophon (1786)
Bellevue (1846)
Belos (1885)
Belvidera (1809)
Benbow (1885)
Benjamin Franklin (fl.1812)
Berlin 1849
Bernard (1813)
Berwick (1775)
Berwick (1926)
Berwick Walls (1854)
Biobio 1854
Birkdale (1892)
Bismarck (1939)
Black Dwarf (1866)
Blanche (1786)
Blenheim of London (1790)
Bluejacket (1854)
Boladora (1829)
Bolivia 1857
Bombay (1828)
Bonaventure (1621)
Boomerang (1854)
Bordeaux (1865)
Boscawen (purchased 1745)
Brazil Packet (1828)
Brederode (1644)
Brier Holme (1876)
Britannia (1682)
Britannia (1719)
Britannia (1806)
Britannia (1820)
Britannia (1893)
Britannia (1953)
Britannia 1826
British Army (1869)
British Empire (1869)
British General (1874)
British Queen (1815)
British Queen (1849)
Broke (1914)
Brooksby (1862)
Bruna ?
Brunswick (1790)
Bucentaur (1727)
Buckingham (1751)
Buckingham (1888)
Burford (1722)
Buzzard (1834)
Bywell Castle (1870)
Caduceus (1854)
Caesar (1810)
Caledonia (1841)
Calypso (1826)
Cambrian King (1890)
Cambridge (1755)
Campbeltown (1919)
Camphill (1889)
Candahar (1866)
Captain (1787)
Captain (1869)
Carbonaria (1866)
Cardiff (1917)
Carnarvon Castle (1926)
Carnatic (1783)
Caroline fl.1908
Cassandra (1825)
Castilian (1919)
Castilian Maid (1831)
Castle Holme (1875)
Castle Huntley (1812)
Castor (1782)
Catarina (1649)
C C Toby fl.1860
Centaur (1797)
Centaure (1757)
Centurion (1732)
Ceres (1797)
Cerf 1886
Charles Cotesworth 1876
Charles Galley (1676)
Charles Grant (1810)
Charlotte (1677)
Charlotte of Chittagong
Chelsea pensioners
Cherub fl.1832
Chesapeake (1799)
Chevrette 1794
Christopher Newton 1855
Cicero 1861
Cilurnam 1874
Cisneros 1926
Citizen fl.1848
City of London 1824
City of Madras 1859
City of New York (1888)
City of Tanjore 1856
Clarence fl.1865
Cleopatra (1877)
Cleveland 1671
Clive 1824
Clyde (1796)
Clytie 1893
Colonial Empire 1902
Colossus (1882)
Columbia 1846
Columbine (1826)
Colwyn 1877
Comet (1810)
Commerce 1862
Commodore 1839
Comte de St Florentine fl.1759
Condor (1876)
Conn 1943
Constance (1794)
Constance (1915)
Corona 1866
Coronado (1915)
Cosmos Volga 1918
Cossack (1937)
Crescent (1784)
Croydon 1951
Cruiser (1852)
Crusader (1865)
Cumberland 1856
Curieux (1800)
Cutty Sark (1869)
Dame de Deliverance
Dame Ernouf (1805)
Dashwood heirlooms
Dauntless (1854)
Decapolis fl.1878
Defence (1763)
Defiance (1590)
Defiance (1744)
De Geertrit Pieternelle (1717)
Delaford (1788)
De Maas (1713)
Deodar (1858)
Derwent (1883)
Deva 1868
Devastation (1871)
Dido (1784)
Dido (1939)
Diligent fl.1776
Dinorwic 1892
Discovery 1774
Dorunda (1875)
Dove fl.1840
Dreadnought (1801)
Dreadnought (1853)
Dreadnought (1875)
Droits de L'Homme (1794)
Drumburton 1881
Drumcree (1905)
Duc de Chartres (fl.1747)
Duke (c. 1745)
Duke of Atholl 1865
Duke of Kent 1886
Duke of Portland (1769)
Duncan (1811)
Dunkirk (1754)
Du Teillay 1745
Dutton (1781)
E2 (1912)
Eagle (1918)
Ealing Grove (1792)
Earl of Balcarres (1815)
Earl of Dunmore (1891)
Earl of Hardwicke (1838)
Earl Percy (1849)
Earl St Vincent (1799)
Eastern Monarch (1856)
East Indian (1819)
Eblana 1864
Eclipse (1819)
Edinburgh (1882)
Edinburgh (1885)
Edward Percy 1861
Eendracht (1653)
Eenhorn 1625
Elakoon 1920
Elbe 1887
Elephant (1786)
Eliza 1857
Eliza Ann 1891
Elizabeth (1647)
Elizabeth (1737)
Elizabeth Dougall 1868
Elizabeth Drew 1871
Elizabeth Nicholson
Ella fl.1868
Ellar 1896
Ellenborough 1842
Ellen Rodger (1858)
Ellerslie 1871
Emily Smeed 1872
Emma Sharp 1866
Endymion (1797)
Endymion (1869)
Enterprise 1875
Enterprize (1774) [Alternative spelling: Enterprise]
Eol 1876
Erebus (1826)
Erin's Isle 1877
Esperance (1779)
Essex (1862)
Essex 1812
Eucles 1834
Euphrates (1834)
Eurydice (1843)
Eveline 1853
Exeter (1929)
Expedition (1679)
Experiment 1740
Fairfax (1653)
Falcon (1824)
Fama fl.1804
Famenoth 1876
Fannie C 1880
Fearless (1886)
Fearless fl.1911
Fidelia (1845)
Flora (1827)
Flora fl.1820
Fly (1776)
Flying Cloud (1851)
Fontenaye 1864
Formidable (1777)
Formidable (fl.1834)
Fort Augustus
Forte (1814)
Fort George 1884
Fortuin (fl.1653)
Fort William (1806?)
Foudroyant (1750)
Foudroyant (1798)
Fougeux fl.1747
Fougueux (1785)
Four Winds 1885
Fox (1855)
Fox fl.1865
Furet 1801
Furious ?
Fury (1845)
Fylgia 1905
G. 42
Gabriel (c 1835)
Ganges (1797)
Ganges ?
Garland 1865
Garthpool 1891
Gauntlet (1853)
Gazelle fl.1844
Geelong 1847
General de Sonis 1901
General Goddard (fl.1782)
General Picton 1884
George Durkee 1856
George Roper 1883
George Watson fl.1865
Gilpin 1869
Gitana 1861
Gladiator (1844)
Glasgow 1851
Glatton (1795)
Glencairn 1878
Glen Holme
Glenroy (1871)
Globe 1867
Glorioso (1740)
Glory (1899)
Gloucester (1654)
Gloucester (1937)
Gneisenau (1936)
Golden Vanity 1908
Goldfinch (1889)
Good Czar (1814)
Good Hope
Gothic 1947
Gouden Leeuw 1654
Grampus 1847
Great Britain (1843)
Great Britain II (1973)
Great Eastern (1858)
Great Victoria 1854
Great Western 1837
Guillaume Tell (1795)
Gypsy fl.1812
Gypsy Moth IV 1959
H.M.S. Hannibal
H.M.S. Prince Royal
H.M.S. Prize
H.M.S. Warspite
H.M.Y. Portsmouth
H.M.Y. Royal George
Haddon Hall 1868
Halloween (1870)
Hankow fl.1856
Harlech Castle 1895
Harpooner 1830
Harry 1892
Hastings 1819
Hecate (1871)
Helen Denny 1868
Helen Heilgers 1854
Helicon (1865)
Helvellin (1826)
Henry Fernie 1860
Henry Grace a Dieu (1514)
Henry Hood 1845
Hercules (1868)
Hercules fl.1634
Hermes (1811)
Hermes (1919)
Hermione 1782
Hero (1803)
Herzogin Cecilie 1902
Hibernia (1804)
Hibernia 1810
Hindostan (1795)
Hortense (1803)
Hydra (1797)
Implacable 1796
Incorruptible (1795)
Indefatigable (1784)
Inflexible (1876)
Iquique (1892)
Jervis Bay (1922)
Kent 1820