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Reframing Black history: Joseph Ijoyemi and the Atlantic Worlds gallery
From resilience to resistance, two new paintings in the Atlantic Worlds gallery at the National Maritime Museum celebrate the history of pre-colonial Africa
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Item Category
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Item Category
Ship models
Ship models
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Cargo vessels
Dockyards, buildings, and topography
Exploration and research vessels
Fishing and hunting vessels
Lifeboats and lifesaving vessels
Passenger vessels
Powered warships
Racing and pleasure craft
Royal yachts and ceremonial craft
Sailing warships
Service vessels
Small craft
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Ship Plans
Ship Plans
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Admiralty Collection
Merchant Collection
Sailing Navy
Victorian Navy
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Edged weapons
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Accommodation model
Aft section plan
Anchor model
armament accessory: carriage, gun
armament accessory: carriage, gun (2 wheeled)
armament t&e, ammunition: ball, shrapnel(section)
armament t&e, ammunition: shell(section)
armament t&e, ammunition: shell, round(section)
armament t&e, ammunition: shell, shrapnel(section)
armament t&e, artillery: cannon, muzzle-loading
armament t&e, artillery: carronade
armament t&e, artillery: gun
armament t&e, artillery: gun, muzzle-loading
Armour plate model
Beam model
Block model
Bow model
Bow model; Sectional model
Bow model; Sectional model; Waterline model
Bridge deck plan
Builder's, Instructional, Sectional model
Builder's, Sectional model
compartments, double bottom
Component model
Component model; Door
Component model; Frame model
Component model; Keel model
Component model; Mast model
Component model; Sectional model
Component model; Sectional model; Frame model
Cutaway model
Deck section
Design, Sectional model
documentary artifact: ship plan: armour(sections)
documentary artifact: ship plan: body
documentary artifact: ship plan: compartments, double bottom
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, boat
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, bridges
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, flight
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, forecastle
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, hanger
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, lower
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, lower(part)
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, main
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, middle
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, orlop
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, platform
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, sun
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, superstructure
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, upper
documentary artifact: ship plan: deck, upper(part)
documentary artifact: ship plan: docking
documentary artifact: ship plan: flat
documentary artifact: ship plan: general arrangement
documentary artifact: ship plan: hold
documentary artifact: ship plan: hold(part)
documentary artifact: ship plan: hold, flat
documentary artifact: ship plan: lines & profile
documentary artifact: ship plan: profile
documentary artifact: ship plan: profile, armour
documentary artifact: ship plan: profile, inboard
documentary artifact: ship plan: profile, inboard(part)
documentary artifact: ship plan: profile, inboard(port)
documentary artifact: ship plan: profile, inboard(starboard)
documentary artifact: ship plan: profile, outboard
documentary artifact: ship plan: profile, outboard(part)
documentary artifact: ship plan: profile, outboard(port)
documentary artifact: ship plan: rig
documentary artifact: ship plan: rig, profile
documentary artifact: ship plan: sail
documentary artifact: ship plan: section
documentary artifact: ship plan: section(part)
documentary artifact: ship plan: section, aft
documentary artifact: ship plan: section, aft(part)
documentary artifact: ship plan: section, armour
documentary artifact: ship plan: section, construction
documentary artifact: ship plan: section, construction(20)
documentary artifact: ship plan: section, construction(144)
documentary artifact: ship plan: section, construction(aft, forward)
documentary artifact: ship plan: section, construction(after gun bay)
documentary artifact: ship plan: section, construction(double bottom)
documentary artifact: ship plan: section, construction(engine room)
documentary artifact: ship plan: section, construction(forecastle)
documentary artifact: ship plan: section, construction(forward bomb room)
documentary artifact: ship plan: section, construction(forward gun bay)
documentary artifact: ship plan: section, displacement
documentary artifact: ship plan: section, forward
documentary artifact: ship plan: section, forward(part)
documentary artifact: ship plan: section, midship
documentary artifact: ship plan: sheer
Engine model
Equipment model
Flight deck plan
Forward section plan
Frame model
Full hull model
Full hull model; Sectional model; Stern model
Funnel model
general arrangement
Georgian, Sectional model
Gun model
Half-hull model
Half block model
Half frame model
Half hull model
Half hull model; Sectional model; Cutaway model
Half hull modelSectional model
Inboard profile plan
Instructional, Sectional model
Iron beam
Keel model
land transport component: section, sledge
Lines & Profile
Longitudinal model
Longitudinal model; Half hull model
Lower deck plan
Main deck plan
Mast model
Midship model
Midship model; Sectional model; Plank-on-frame
Midship section
Ordnance model
Ordnance Model
Ordnance model; Gun model; Sectional model
Ordnance Model; Gun model; Sectional model
Platform deck plan
Plating model
Propeller model
rig, profile
Rigged model
Round shell, section
round shell, section
Round shell section
Rudder model
section, armour
section, construction
section, displacement
section, midship
Section, midship
Sectional model
Sectional model; Armour plate model
Sectional model; Beam
Sectional model; Bow model
Sectional model; Bow model; Waterline model
Sectional model; Component model
Sectional model; Equipment model
Sectional model; Equipment model; Gun model
Sectional model; Frame model
Sectional model; Gun model
Sectional model; Half hull model; Midship model
Sectional model; Iron beam
Sectional model; Midship model
Sectional model; Midship model; Frame model
Sectional model; Midship model; Plank-on-frame
Sectional model; Midship model; Waterline model
Sectional model; Plank-on-frame
Sectional model; Stern model
Sectional model; Stern model; Half block model
Sectional model; Stern model; Waterline model
Sectional model; Waterline model; Bow model
Sectional model; Waterline model; Stern model
Sectional modelBow model
shell, round
shell, section
Shell, section
shell, shrapnel, section
Shell section
Ship equipment model
Shrapnel ball section
Shrapnel shell, section
Shrapnel shell section
Sledge section
Steering gear model
Stern model
Stern model; Sectional model
Stern model; Sectional model; Frame model
Stern model; Sectional model; Waterline model
Stern model; Sectional model; Waterline model; Half block model; Half frame model
Stern model; Sectional model; Waterline model; Half hull model
Structural model
Submarine cable cross section
Table top
Table top - oval end section
Tank testing model
Technical drawing
technical drawing
Technical Drawing
Upper deck plan
Waterline model
water transport: cargo vessel
water transport: diesel/electric vessel: twin screw
water transport: diesel vessel: twin screw
water transport: exploration/research vessel: exploration vessel
water transport: exploration/research vessel: survey ship (HMS)
water transport: exploration/research vessel: survey vessel
water transport: exploration/research vessel: survey vessel (HMS)
water transport: exploration/research vessel: survey vessel, wood (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel
water transport: fighting vessel: 1st rate
water transport: fighting vessel: 1st rate (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 2 decker
water transport: fighting vessel: 2nd rate
water transport: fighting vessel: 2nd rate (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 3 decker
water transport: fighting vessel: 3 gun boat
water transport: fighting vessel: 3rd rate
water transport: fighting vessel: 3rd rate (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 3rd rate (sail: HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 4th rate (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 5th rate (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 6th rate
water transport: fighting vessel: 6th rate (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 10 gun boat
water transport: fighting vessel: 20 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 26 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 28 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 28 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 32 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 36 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 36 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 38 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 40 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 46 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 50 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 50 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 62 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 70 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 74 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 74 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 76 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 78 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 80 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 80 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 84 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 84 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 91 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 92 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 98 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 100 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 110 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 116 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 120 gun ship
water transport: fighting vessel: 120 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: aircraft carrier (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: aircraft carrier, escort (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: aircraft carrier, fleet (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: aircraft carrier, light fleet (HMAS)
water transport: fighting vessel: aircraft carrier, light fleet (HMCS)
water transport: fighting vessel: aircraft carrier, light fleet (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: assault ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: battery, floating (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: battlecruiser
water transport: fighting vessel: battlecruiser (HMAS)
water transport: fighting vessel: battlecruiser (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: battlecruiser, light (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: battleship
water transport: fighting vessel: battleship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: battleship, 1st class (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: battleship, 2nd class (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: battleship, barbette (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: battleship, broadside (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: battleship, broadside ironclad (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: battleship, central battery (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: battleship, central battery ironclad (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: battleship, ironclad (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: battleship, turret (1st class: HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: battleship, turret (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: battleship, turret (masted: HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: bomb
water transport: fighting vessel: bomb vessel (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: brig
water transport: fighting vessel: brigantine
water transport: fighting vessel: corvette
water transport: fighting vessel: corvette (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: corvette, central battery ironclad (wood: HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: corvette, composite (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: corvette, iron (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: corvette, steel (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: corvette, wood (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, 1st class (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, 1st class armoured (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, 1st class protected (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, 2nd class (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, 3rd class (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, armoured (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, heavy (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, light (HMAS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, light (HMCS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, light (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, light (USS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, minelaying (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, protected (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, scout (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, torpedo (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cutter
water transport: fighting vessel: despatch vessel, armed (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: despatch vessel, wood paddle (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: destroyer (HMCS)
water transport: fighting vessel: destroyer (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: destroyer (USS)
water transport: fighting vessel: destroyer, escort (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: destroyer, flotilla leader (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: destroyer, torpedo boat (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: fishery protection vessel (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate, armoured (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate, iron (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate, ironclad (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate, paddle (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate, paddle (wooden: HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate, wood (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat, 3rd class (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat, composite (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat, composite steam
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat, flatiron (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat, iron (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat, river
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat, river (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat, steam (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat, torpedo (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat, wood (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat, wooden (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: gunvessel (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: gunvessel, composite (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: gunvessel, wood (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: ironclad (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: minelayer (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: minesweeper (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: minesweeper, coastal (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: monitor (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: monitor, breastwork (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: monitor, coast defence (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: mortar vessel
water transport: fighting vessel: packet, paddle (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: patrol vessel (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: schooner
water transport: fighting vessel: seaplane carrier (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, 1st class paddle (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, 1st class paddle (wooden: HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, 12 gun
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, 16 gun
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, 18 gun
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, brig
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, central battery ironclad (composite: HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, coastal (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, composite (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, convoy (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, escort (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, minesweeping (HMIS)
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, minesweeping (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, paddle (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, steel (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, wood (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, wood paddle (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: submarine (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: submarine, minelayer (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: tug, paddle (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: warship (HMS)
water transport: recreation vessel: yacht, admiralty (HMS)
water transport: sailing vessel
water transport: sailing vessel: brig
water transport: sailing vessel: ship
water transport: sailing vessel: ship, 3 masted
water transport: service vessel: boom defence vessel (HMS)
water transport: service vessel: brig, packet
water transport: service vessel: coastguard vessel
water transport: service vessel: coastguard vessel (HMS)
water transport: service vessel: cutter, coastguard
water transport: service vessel: cutter, revenue
water transport: service vessel: depot ship (submarine: HMS)
water transport: service vessel: depot ship, destroyer (HMS)
water transport: service vessel: depot ship, submarine (HMS)
water transport: service vessel: despatch vessel (HMS)
water transport: service vessel: lifting craft (750 ton)
water transport: service vessel: lighter, sailing
water transport: service vessel: oiler (RFA)
water transport: service vessel: packet
water transport: service vessel: packet, paddle
water transport: service vessel: repair ship (HMS)
water transport: service vessel: storeship, iron (HMS)
water transport: service vessel: tank vessel
water transport: service vessel: tender, cutter
water transport: service vessel: troopship (HMS)
water transport: service vessel: troopship, iron (HMS)
water transport: service vessel: tug (HMS)
water transport: service vessel: tug, dockyard (paddle: HMT)
water transport: service vessel: tug, dockyard paddle (HMS)
water transport: service vessel: tug, fleet (HMS)
water transport: service vessel: tug, paddle (HMS)
water transport: service vessel: tug, paddle (HMT)
water transport: steam vessel
water transport: steam vessel: quadruple screw
water transport: steam vessel: screw, single
water transport: steam vessel: twin screw
water transport accessory: propeller
water transport accessory: propeller (raising and lowering)
water transport accessory: rudder
water transport accessory: rudder, temporary
water transport component: bow
water transport component: bow: circular
water transport component: foremast
water transport component: frame: filling frame, futtock
water transport component: frame: floor timber
water transport component: frame: girder
water transport component: frame: knee (method of forming from straight timber)
water transport component: funnel
water transport component: longitudinal: frame (starboard)
water transport component: mast
water transport component: midship
water transport component: midship: beam, iron (plan for connecting)
water transport component: midship: frame
water transport component: midship: gundeck
water transport component: midship: gundeck (gun port)
water transport component: midship: gun port
water transport component: midship: hatch
water transport component: midship: knee
water transport component: midship: plating, armour and box
water transport component: midship: tank (method of fitting)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(beam)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(bow)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(bow: cutaway: decked)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(bow: decked)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(bow: half: port: side)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(decked: equipped: midship: side)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(decked: equipped: midship: side: working)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(decked: equipped: side: working)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(decked: stern)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(frame)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(girder)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(half: midship)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(half: port: side: stern)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(half: side: starboard: stern)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(half: starboard: stern)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(knee)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(mast)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(midship)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(midship: side)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(midship: side: working)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(plating)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(port: starboard: stern)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(scupper)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(stern)
water transport component: model, design: sectional model(working)
water transport component: model, exhibition: sectional model
water transport component: model, exhibition: sectional model(bow)
water transport component: model, exhibition: sectional model(bow: cutaway: decked: equipped)
water transport component: model, exhibition: sectional model(bow: cutaway: decked: port: starboard)
water transport component: model, exhibition: sectional model(cutaway: decked: half: midship)
water transport component: model, exhibition: sectional model(cutaway: decked: stern)
water transport component: model, exhibition: sectional model(decked: stern)
water transport component: model, exhibition: sectional model(half: stern)
water transport component: model, exhibition: sectional model(mast)
water transport component: model, exhibition: sectional model(midship)
water transport component: model, exhibition: sectional model(midship: side)
water transport component: model, exhibition: sectional model(port: starboard: stern)
water transport component: model, exhibition: sectional model(stern)
water transport component: model, instructional: sectional model
water transport component: model, instructional: sectional model(bow)
water transport component: model, instructional: sectional model(cutaway: decked: stern)
water transport component: model, instructional: sectional model(cutaway: midship)
water transport component: model, instructional: sectional model(cutaway: stern)
water transport component: model, instructional: sectional model(half: stern)
water transport component: model, instructional: sectional model(midship)
water transport component: model, instructional: sectional model(stern)
water transport component: model, scarph: sectional model
water transport component: model, steering gear: sectional model(cutaway: working)
water transport component: scuppers
water transport component: steering gear
water transport component: stern
water transport component: stern (port)
water transport component: stern (starboard)
water transport component: stern: circular
water transport component: stern: circular (framing: port)
water transport component: stern: circular (planking: starboard)
water transport component: stern: elliptical
water transport component: stern: elliptical (frame: port)
water transport component: stern: elliptical (starboard)
water transport component: stern: planking (starboard)
water transport component: stern: square
Apply Filter
back ink
black colour wash
black diazotype
black ink
black wash
blue, brown, dark blue, orange inkwashes.
blue, grey, yellow, red inkwashes.
blue colourwash
blue colour wash
blue ink
blue inkwash
Blue print (negative)
blue was
blue wash
borwn wash
broen colour wash
bronze alloy
brown colourwash
brown colour wash
brown colour wsh
brown ink
brown inkwash
brown wash
burnt sienna ink
cartridge paper
cat gut thread
chrome ink
coating: gesso
coating: gilt
coating: lacquer
coating: paint
coating: stain
coating: varnish
coloured ink
coloured ink wash
coloured washes
colour washes
Colour washes
copper colour wash
Darfting cloth
diazo print
Diazo print (possible wash-off)
Diazotype or possible Analine print
Diazotype print
diazo type print
Drafting cloth
drafting cloth
Drafting Cloth
Ferrogallic print
Gel lithograph
gel lithograph
Gel lithograph print
graphite and ink technical drawing
graphite and inktechnical drawing
Graphite and ink technical drawing
graphite and ink technical drawing
green colour wash
green colourwash
green ink
green inkwash
green wash
grey, blue, mauve, yellow washes
grey, mauve, blue, yellow & brown washes
grey, red, blue, yellow washes
grey, yellow, blue, green red washes
grey colourwash
grey colour wash
grey inkwash
grey wash
grren wash
hand coloured ink wash
handcolur washes
india rubber
ink and graphite technical drawing
Ink and graphite technical drawing
Ink correction
ink correction
Ink corrections
ink corrections
ink technical drawing
ink wash
inorganic: glass
inorganic: mica
inorganic: sand
inorganic: stone
Iron gall ink
iron gall ink
iron gall ink manuscript ink
irongall manuscript ink
lilac colour wash
linen (waxed)
linen-backed cartridge paper
Linen and paper, fully colour washed
linen backed cotton
Linen backed paper
linen backed paper
linen baked paper
manuscrip ink
Manuscript ink
manuscript ink
manuscript iron gall ink
manuscript irongall ink
manusript ink
mauve, grey, red, yellow, blue washes
mauve inkwash
mauve wash
metal: alloy, aluminium
metal: brass
metal: copper
metal: iron
metal: lead
metal: silver
metal: steel
metal: tin
ochre colour wash
orange wash
organic: bone
organic: canvas
organic: cardboard
organic: cotton
organic: felt
organic: hemp
organic: metal:plaster: paint
organic: paper
organic: paraffin wax
organic: rope
organic: sawdust
organic: silk
organic: sponge
organic: straw
organic: velvet
paper on linen
pink ink
pink wash
Print type unknown, possible form of Gel lithograph
prussian blue ink
purple ink
purple wash
red (sienna) ink
red colourwash
red colour wash
red ink
red inkwash
red wash
sepia diazo print
sienna ink
synthetic: plasticard
synthetic: polyurethane foam
Technical drawing
technical drawing
tracing paper
Vandyle, Sepia print
varnish, iron
vermillion ink
violet ink
Wash-off (or poss Diazotype)
Wash-off print
wash-off print
wash-off print (possible Diazo)
Wash off print
wash off print
Washoff print?
wash off print and graphite and ink technical drawing
wash off print and technical drawing
waxed linen
wood: elm
wood: fruit
wood: mahogany
wood: oak
wood: pear
wood: pine
yellow colourwash
yellow colour wash
yellow ink
yellow inkwash
yellow wash
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Display Location
Display Location
Display Location
Display - All Hands Gallery
Display - Polar Worlds Gallery
Display - Sea Things Gallery
Display - Voyagers
Not on display
Apply Filter
A. & J. Inglis Ltd
Abethell, Richard
Ailsa Shipbuilding Co Ltd
Aitkins, J.
Alexander Stephen & Sons Ltd
Angear, J.
Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd
Army & Navy Co-operative Society Ltd
Arscott, W.
Ascott, W.
Ash, H H
Atkins, George
Atkins, James
Bambury, W. H.
Barclay, Curle & Co Ltd
Barnaby, Nathaniel
Barnaby, W.
Barnes, F K
Barnes, J K
Beaton, C E
Beaton, Edwin
Beaton, G H
Beel, H.
Bentley, T. H.
Berry, W
Berry, W G
Berry, W J
Berry, W V
Bidgood, M.
Black, J
Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co Ltd
Booth, A. F.
Bryant, S.
Cammell Laird & Company Ltd
Camper & Nicholson Ltd
Carr, W L
Cassell, A.
Champness, H. R.
Chatfield, Henry
Chief Constructor
Chief Engineer
Chilson, R. H.
Cochrane & Sons Ltd
Cole, J. A.
Cole, W. G.
Coles, Cowper D.
Coles, L. J.
Construction, Department of Naval
Cook, R. W. S.
Coombes, J.
Cradock, Henry
Cradock H
Crichton, C & H, Ltd
Crocker, G
d'Eyncourt, Eustace Henry William Tennyson
Davies, L. G.
Davis, W
Deadineau, H E
Deadman, H E
Deadman, J T E
Deadman, M E
Director General Ships
Director of Naval Construction
Dollond & Aitchison
Doxford & Sunderland Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd
Duddy, M
Durston, A J
Earle's Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd
Edge, J
Edge, J B
Edge, J V
Edge, J W
Edwards, J
Elliott, Edward
Elliott, J.
Elliott, J.H.
Elliott Bros
Evenden, Frederick K
Evenden, H
Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd
Ferguson Brothers (Port Glasgow) Ltd
Fincham, John
Fittock, J
Flanagan, W J
Fleming & Ferguson Ltd
Foley, John Henry
Froyne, J C
Furness Withy & Co Ltd
Gillingham, J.
Gillingham, J. S.
Glum, C.
Goodall, Stanley Vernon
Goody, W.
Gormully, J.
Gough, W. G.
H & C Grayson Ltd
Harland & Wolff Heavy Industries Ltd
Harland & Wolff Ltd
Harrison, S
Hassle, E
Hastings, W
Hellyer, Mr
Henry Robb Ltd
Henwood, W
Her Majesty's Naval Base, Devonport
HM Admiralty
HM Dockyard, Chatham
HM Dockyard, Devonport
HM Dockyard, Malta
HM Dockyard, Portsmouth
Hockaday, W. T.
Hookey, William
Hooper, J P
Hooper, M
Hope, H P
Hope, N P
Houston Stewart, W
Huddy, J B
Hufill, J A
Humber Graving Dock & Engineering Co Ltd
Humpfries & Tennant
Ingram, I.
Ingram, J.
J. & G. Thomson & Co
James, M
James, N
James, W
John, A W
John Brown & Company
John Crown & Sons Ltd
John I. Thornycroft & Co. Ltd
Johns, Arthur W.
Johns, A W
John Samuel White and Co. Ltd
Kiangnan Dock & Engineering Works
Lacy, A
Lacy, O
Ladd, W
Laird Brothers
Laird Brothers Ltd
Laire, Francis J
Laire, John
Lang, D
Lang, Oliver W.
Lees, James
Lemon, C P
Lewis, William R.
Lillicrap, C S
Liverpool Packet Station
Lobnitz & Co Ltd
London & Glasgow Engineering & Iron Shipbuilding Company Limited
Lonnon, H J
Lytham Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd
Malta Dockyard
Manby, George William
Master Shipwright
Maudslay, Sons & Field
Mier, M. G.
Millard, J.
Millard, L.
Miller, A.
Milton, J. D
Milton, J.W.
Mitchell, J.
Mitchell, W.
Mitchell, W. M.
Molinson, M.
Moore, Alexander
Mordey Carney (Southampton) Ltd
Mr Scullard
Netherwood, George
Noble, W E
Nolloth, John
Northrop Nortronics
Ollis, J B
Owen, W.
Palmer's Shipbuilding & Iron Co Ltd
Peake, James
Pethers, R. P.
Philip and Son Ltd
Poore, Sidney A.
R. & H. Green & Silley Weir Ltd
R. & W. Hawthorn Leslie & Co. Ltd
Rafferty, L J
Ravenhill Hodgson & Co
Read, Samuel
Reed, Edward James
Reed, E G
Reed, S
Rice, H M
Rice, W M
Roberts, Thomas
Robinson, M. S.
Robinson, Robert Spencer
Robinson, W. B.
Robinson, W. S.
Robinson, William B.
Rosyth Dockyard
Row, A W
Rule, J. G. G.
S. G. Brown Ltd
Sampson, J.
Samuda Brothers Ltd.
Saunders, M.
Saunders, R. M.
Saunders, R. P.
Saunders, R. V.
Scott's Shipbuilding and Engineering Company Ltd
Seppings, Robert
Shepheard, Victor George
Sims, A. J.
Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co. Ltd
Steed, W
Stephen, Alexander, & Co
Stokes, J. C.
Sturdee, A B
Sturdy, A
Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd
Symonds, William
Teeside Bridge & Engineering Works Ltd
Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company Ltd
Thames Iron Works and Shipbuilding Company
Thatcher, Kelvin
Thomas, F.
Thorne, A
Thorne, F
Thorne, R
Thornton, P.
Tucker, S. W.
Turner, F.
United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO)
United States Department of Labor
Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd
Vickers Ltd
Vosper Ltd
Walker, B. W.
Walker, M. V.
Walker, W.
Wallis, L
Walton, J W
War Office
Warren, E B
Warren, E C
Warren, L B
Warren, W
Watson, W. S.
Watts, I
Watts, Philip
White, M
White, W
White, W A
White, W H
Wicker, James
Wildish, J G
William Beardmore & Company
William Denny and Brothers Limited
William Edye
William Fairbairn & Sons
William Gray & Company Ltd, William
William Hamilton and Company Ltd
Wilnish, J I
Wilton, J W
Wilton, V W
Wimshurst, Henry
Wood, Y G
Workman, Clark & Co Ltd
Worthington, A M
Wray, David C.
Wright, V S
Yarrow & Co Ltd
Yates, J. A.
Yates, J. C.
Yates, J E
Apply Filter
Admiralty House
Canning Town
Chatham Dockyard
Coast Guard Office
Cockatoo Island
Deptford Dockyard
Devonport Dockyard
East Cowes
Grand Harbour
Haverton Hill-on-Tees
HMS Terrible,
Isle of Dogs
Lytham St. Anne's
National Maritime Museum
Navy Office
Navy Offiice
Newcastle upon Tyne
Nigeria, West Africa
Pembroke Dock
Pembroke Dockyard
Plymouth Dockyard
Port Glasgow
Portsmouth Dockyard
Rosyth Dockyard
Rosyth Dockyard, Rosyth, Fife, Scotland
Royal Albert Dock
Scotstoun, Glasgow, Scotland
Shanghai, China
Sheerness Dockyard
Somerset House
United Kingdom
United States of America
Wapping Docks
West Hartlepool
Woolwich Dockyard
Apply Filter
Arctic Exploration: North Pole expedition, Nares, 1875-1876
Greek War of Independence, Battle of Navarino, 1827
Napoleonic Wars: Battle of Trafalgar, 1805
Second Boer War: Battle of Ladysmith, 1899
Apply Filter
A & B class destroyers group record
Abdiel (1915)
Abdiel (1940)
Abercrombie (1942)
Abundance (1855)
Abyssinia (1870)
Acasta (1929)
Acheron (1838)
Acheron class destroyer group record
Achilles (1932)
Acorn (1884)
Active (1929)
Adamant (1911)
Adamant (1940)
Adelaide (1848)
Adelaide (1918)
Adventure (1924)
Advice (1899)
AE1 (1913)
AE2 (1913)
Aetna (1856)
Aetna (1883)
Agamemnon (1879)
Agamemnon (1906)
Agincourt (1817)
Agincourt (1865)
Agincourt (1913)
Agincourt (1945)
Aigaion (1941)
Ajax (1809)
Ajax (1880)
Ajax (1912)
Ajax (1934)
Alacrity (1856)
Alacrity (1900)
Alamein (1945)
Alarm (1845)
Alaunia (1925)
Albacore (1883)
Albacore (1906)
Albacore (1942)
Albatross (1873)
Albatross (1928)
Albion (1842)
Albion (1947)
Aldenham (1941)
Alderney (1945)
Alecto (1839)
Alecto (1882)
Alert (1835)
Alert (1856)
Alert (1894)
Alexandra (1875)
Alexandra (1907)
Algiers (1854)
Alliance (1945)
Alligator (cancelled 1863)
Amazon (1865)
Ambush (1945)
Amethyst (1873)
Amethyst (1903)
Amphion (1846)
Amphion (1934)
Amphion (1944)
Anchorite (1946)
Andromache (1832)
Andromache (1890)
Andromeda (1897)
Anson (1886)
Anson (1940)
Ant (1873)
Antelope (1929)
Antony (1929)
Apollo (1891)
Apollo (1934)
Arab (1874)
Archer (1885)
Ardent (1841)
Ardent (1929)
Arethusa (1882)
Arethusa (1913)
Arethusa (1934)
Argonaut (1941)
Argus (1849)
Argus (1904)
Argus (1917)
Ariadne (1859)
Ariadne (1898)
Ariel (1873)
Ark Royal (1914)
Ark Royal (1937)
Ark Royal (1950)
Arrogant (1848)
Arrow (1871)
Arrow (1929)
Artifex (1924)
Asia (1824)
Assistance (1874)
Assurance (1856)
Astraea (1893)
Astrea (cancelled 1863)
Astute (1945)
Atherstone (1939)
Atlanta (1941)
Atlas (1860)
Atlas (1909)
Attendant (1914)
Auckland (1938)
Audacious (1869)
Audacious (1912)
Auriga (1945)
Aurochs (1945)
Aurora (1861)
Aurora (1936)
Australia (1911)
Bacchante (1876)
Bacchante (cancelled 1851)
Badsworth (1941)
Bandit (1938)
Banshee (1847)
Barfleur (1892)
Barfleur (1943)
Barham (1914)
Baron von Humboldt (1854)
Barracouta (1851)
Barracouta (1889)
Barrosa (1889)
Basilisk (1930)
Battleaxe (1945)
Beacon (1855)
Beagle (1930)
Beaufort (1941)
Beaver (1855)
Belfast (1938)
Bellerophon (1865)
Bellerophon (1907)
Bellona (1890)
Bellona (1942)
Belvidera (cancelled 1864)
Belvoir (1941)
Belzebub (1813)
Benbow (1885)
Benbow (1913)
Bermuda (1941)
Berwick (1926)
Birmingham (1936)
Bittern (1937)
Black Prince (1816)
Black Prince (1861)
Black Prince (1942)
Black Swan (1939)
Blackwood (1955)
Blake (1889)
Blanche (1867)
Blanche (1889)
Blanche (1930)
Blencathra (1940)
Blenheim (1890)
Blonde (1889)
Blonde (cancelled 1863)
Blossom (1901)
Boadicea (1875)
Boadicea (1908)
Boadicea (1930)
Bombay (1828)
Bonadventure (1939)
Bonaventure (1945)
Bonetta (1871)
Boreas (1930)
Boscawen (1844)
Boxer (1868)
Boyne (1810)
Bramble (1886)
Brazen (1930)
Bridgewater (1928)
Bridport (1940)
Brighton (1959)
Brilliant (1891)
Brilliant (1930)
Brisk (1851)
Brissenden (1942)
Bristol (1861)
Britannia (1820)
Britomart (1860)
Britomart-class (1860-1867)
Briton (1869)
Broadsword (1946)
Brocklesby (1940)
Bucephalus (1808)
Buffalo (1854)
Bulldog (1872)
Bulldog (1930)
Bullfinch (1898)
Bullfrog (1881)
Bulwark (1948)
Bulwark (cancelled 1873)
Bustard (1871)
Buzzard (1887)
C 60 1895
Cachalot (1937)
Cadmus (1856)
Caesar (1853)
Calcutta (1831)
Caledon (1916)
Caledonia (1808)
Caledonia (1862)
Calliope (1884)
Calliope (1914)
Calypso (1883)
Calypso (1917)
Cambrian (1916)
Camel (1855)
Cameleon (1860)
Campania (1893)
Camperdown (1885)
Canada (1881)
Canada (1913)
Canopus (1897)
Canterbury (1915)
Capetown (1919)
Caprice (1943)
Captain (1869)
Caradoc (1916)
Carol (1913)
Caroline (1914)
Carron (1855)
Carron (1944)
Carysfort (1836)
Cassandra (1916)
Cassandra (1943)
Castor (1832)
Castor (1915)
Cavalier (1944)
Cavendish (1944)
Centaur (1947)
Centurion (1892)
Centurion (1911)
Cerberus (1868)
Ceylon (1942)
Challenger (1858)
Challenger (1931)
Champion (1915)
Chaplet (1944)
Charybdis (1859)
Charybdis (1893)
Charybdis (1940)
Chatham (1911)
Cheerful (1855)
Chesapeake (1855)
Chester (1915)
Chichester (1843)
Childers (1945)
Chub (1855)
Cleopatra (1835)
Cleopatra (1878)
Cleopatra (1940)
Cleveland (1940)
Cockatrice 1896
Codrington (1929)
Collingwood (1882)
Colossus (1882)
Colossus (1910)
Colossus (1943)
Comet (1870)
Comus (1878)
Condor (1898)
Conflict (1846)
Coniston (1952)
Conqueror (1855)
Conqueror (1881)
Conqueror (1911)
Conquest (1915)
Constance (1846)
Constance (1915)
Contest 1874
Convulsion 1804
Cordelia (1856)
Cottesmore (1940)
Courageous (1916)
Cracker (1899)
Crane (1839)
Creole 1902
Crescent (1931)
Cruiser (1852)
Cuckoo (1873)
Cumberland (1926)
Curacoa (1854)
Curacoa (1917)
Cyclops (1839)
Cygnet (1840)
Cygnet (1874)
Cygnet (1931)
Cygnet (1942)
Dampier (1945)
Daring (1874)
Dartmouth (cancelled 1864)
Defence (1861)
Defender (1932)
Defender (1950)
Delhi (1918)
Despatch 1869
Desperate (1849)
Desperate (1896)
Devastation (1871)
Devonshire (1927)
Diadem (1942)
Diana (1822)
Dido (1836)
Dido (1939)
Discovery (1873)
Discovery (1901)
Dolphin (1882)
Dorsetshire (1929)
Dragon (1845)
Dragonfly 1938
Drake (1901)
Dreadnought (1906)
Driver (1840)
Dromedary 1894
Druid (1869)
Duke of Wellington (1852)
Duke of York (1940)
Duncan (1859)
Duncan (1932)
Durban 1919
E12 (1914)
E13 (1914)
E32 (1916)
E36 (1916)
E50 (1916)
E52 (1917)
Eagle (1918)
Eagle (1946)
Echo (1934)
Edgar (1890)
Edinburgh (1811)
Edinburgh (1938)
Egeria (1873)
Egret (1938)
Electra (1934)
Emerald (1856)
Emerald (1920)
Enchantress (1934)
Enchantress 1903
Endymion (1865)
Enterprise (1864)
Enterprise 1848
Erin (1913)
Esk (1934)
Espiegle 1900
Exeter (1929)
Exmouth (1934)
Express (1934)
Express 1874
F2 (1917)
Fantome (1901)
Fantome 1873
Faulknor (1934)
Favorite 1864
Fawn (1856)
Fearless 1963
Firefly (1877)
Forte (1858)
Frobisher (1920)
Furious (1916)
Fury (1814)
Fury (1875)
G 3 (not built)
G6 (1915)
G7 (1916)
Galatea (1859)
Gallant 1935
Gambia (1940)
Ganges (1821)
Glasgow 1909
Glatton (1871)
Glatton (1914)
Glorious (1916)
Gorgon (1871)
Grasshopper 1939
Grenade (1935)
Grenville (1935)
Grenville 1935
Griffin (1935)
Guardian (1932)
Gulnare (1833)
Halcyon (1894)
Hardy (1936)
Harrier (1934)
Hasty (1894)
Hecate (1839)
Hercules (1868)
Hermes (1835)
Hermes 1919
Hermione (1939)
Highflyer (1851)
Himalaya (1853)
Hindustan (1930)
Hood (1918)
Hotspur (1870)
Hotspur (1936)
Howe (1940)
Hunter (1895)
Hyaena 1873
Icarus (1936)
Illustrious (1939)
Immortalite (1859)
Imogene (1831)
Imperieuse (1883)
Implacable (1942)
Inconstant (1868)
Indefatigable (1942)
Indomitable (1940)
Inflexible (1876)
Inglefield (1936)
Intrepid (1964)
Invincible (1869)
Invincible (1907)
Invincible 1907
Iris (1877)
Isis (1936)
Jackal (1938)
Jamaica (1940)
James Watt (1853)
Jaseur (1892)
Jason (1892)
Juno (1895)
Keith (1930)
Kent 1926
Kingfisher 1935
King George V (1911)
King George V (1939)
Kite (1942)
Leander (1931)
Lee 1899
Lily (1874)
Lion (1910)
Locust (1939)
London (1927)
M2 (1918)
Magaera 1849
Magnificent (1894)
Maidstone 1912 - see Maidstone (1912)
Majestic 1853
Malaya (1915)
Mallard 1936
Malta 1875
Mariner (1884)
Mauritius (1939)
Medina 1876
Medway (1928)
Melbourne (1945)
Meteorite (1945)
Midge (1856)
Minotaur (1863)
Modeste (1837)
Mosquito 1939
Nautilus 1830
Nelson (1925)
Newfoundland (1941)
Niger (1892)
Norfolk (1928)
Northumberland (1866)
Onyx (1856)
Orion (1910)
Oynx 1892
Pert (1856)
Prince of Wales (1939)
Queen (1839)
Ramillies (1916)
Renard (1892)
Renown (1916)
Repulse (1916)
Resolution (1915)
Restless (1902)
Revenge (1915)
Roberts (1941)
Rodney (1833)
Rodney (1925)
Shropshire (1928)
Speedy (1893)
Sussex (1928)
Swiftsure (1943)
Talavera (1818)
Tiger (1913)
Tiny (1856)
Triumph (1944)
Undaunted (1914)
Unicorn (1941)
Valiant (1914)
Vanguard (1944)
Vestal (1833)
Victorious (1939)
Victory (1765)
Warrior (1860)
Warspite (1884)
Warspite (1913)
Weazel (1873)
Woolwich 1934
York (1928)
Apply Filter
Enslavement and Resistance
The Atlantic: Slavery, Trade, Empire
Apply Filter
A. & J. Inglis Ltd
Ailsa Shipbuilding Co Ltd
Alexander Stephen & Sons Ltd
Angear, J.
Ardrossan Dry Dock & Shipbuilding Co Ltd
Atkins, George
Atkins, James
Barclay, Curle & Co Ltd
Barnaby, Nathaniel
Barrow Shipbuilding Co Ltd
Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation
Blake, R.
Blohm & Voss
Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co Ltd
Bombay Dockyard
Bow, McLachlan & Co Ltd
British India Steam Navigation Company Limited
Brown, C.
Butterley, Mr
C. J. Mare & Co
Cammell Laird & Company Ltd
Campbell Johnston
Camper & Nicholson Ltd
Captain Shank
Charles Hill & Sons
Chatfield, Henry
Chatham Officers
Cleverley, William
Cochrane & Sons Ltd
Cockatoo Dockyard
Coles, Cowper Phipps
Coles, L. J.
Commander Downes
Commerell, John Edmund
Committee of Master Shipwrights
Congreve, William
Cox Ltd (Falmouth)
Deptford Dockyard
Ditchburn & Mare
Doxford & Sunderland Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd
Dundee Shipbuilding Co Ltd
Earle's Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd
Edye, J.
Edye, John
Elliot, E
Ericsson, I.
Evenden, Frederick K
Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd
Fawcett, Preston & Co
Federal Steam Navigation Co Ltd
Ferguson Brothers (Port Glasgow) Ltd
Fincham, John
Fittook, J.
Flanagan, W J
Fleming & Ferguson Ltd
Fore River Shipbuilding Co
Furness Withy & Co Ltd
Gio. Ansaldo & C.
Gulf Shipbuilders
Hall Russell & Company Ltd
Halsted, Edward Pellew
Hanna, Donald & Wilson
Harfield & Company Ltd
Harland & Wolff Heavy Industries Ltd
Harland & Wolff Ltd
Harris, W Simon
Hawkes, Thomas F.
Hellyer (carver to the Admiralty, proposed by)
Henby, W
Henry Robb Ltd
Henslow, John
Her Majesty's Naval Base, Devonport
HM Admiralty
HM Dockyard, Chatham
HM Dockyard, Portsmouth
HM Dockyard, Sheerness
Hookey, William
Hore, Cdr
Huddy, J B
Ingalls Shipbuilding Corporation
J. & G. Thomson & Co
J. & W. Dudgeon
J. and G. Rennie
J. Scott Russell & Co
John Brown & Company
John Crown & Sons Ltd
John Duthie Torry Shipbuilding Co Ltd
John Elder & Co
John I. Thornycroft & Co. Ltd
John Readhead & Sons
John Samuel White and Co. Ltd
Johnson, G.
Joseph L. Thompson & Sons Ltd
Kingston Naval Yard
King William IV
Laird Brothers
Laird Brothers Ltd
Laurie & Co
Lewis, John, & Sons Ltd
Limous, Capt
Limpus, Arthur Henry
Lloyd's Register of Shipping
Lobnitz & Co Ltd
London & Glasgow Co.
London & Glasgow Engineering & Iron Shipbuilding Company Limited
Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty
Lytham Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd
Marshall, H.
Maudslay, Sons & Field
May, Edmund Reynolds
Mends, William Robert
Milford Haven Shipbuilding Co
Miller, A.
Millwall Iron Works
Money, Wigram and Son
Mordey Carney (Southampton) Ltd
Mr Sharer
Naval Construction & Armaments Co. Ltd.
Nelson, Horatio
Nelson, John
Netherwood, George
Newell, Capt
Newport News
New York Shipbuilding Corporation
Olomu, Nana