Butterfield dial

Butterfield dial for latitudes 35°-45° North. Standard three-scale dial (see related terms) except for the following details:-

The dial-plate is oval shaped. The first and third hour scales are oval shaped, the second hexagonal. The spaces between the hour scales are engraved with hatching lines and engraved in the centre is a circular acanthus design. A brass compass supports the dial-plate in conjunction with a single brass leg. The latitude scale on the gnomon is adjustable for latitudes [35°]-45° and is decorated with acanthus and bird-like figures; an arced strip index with a repeating pattern marks the latitude. There is no table of latitudes on the reverse side. The case is oval shaped and made of brown tooled leather. It has faded red velvet lining and a brass hook fastener.

Like AST0514, which it closely resembles, this dial has an arced index for the gnomon rather than a bird. It has a scale for 35°-45°, despite the fact that the hour scales are for the standard 40°, 45° and 50°. Brass is used for the gnomon brace, the supporting leg and the compass. It is signed 'Cremstorff AParis' on the reverse side.

For more information regarding this dial please refer to the OUP & NMM catalogue, 'Sundials at Greenwich'.

Object Details

ID: AST0224
Collection: Astronomical and navigational instruments
Type: Butterfield dial
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Cremstorff
Date made: early 18th century
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, Caird Collection
Measurements: Overall: 8 x 43 x 57.5 mm
Parts: Butterfield dial

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