The Battle of Trafalgar, The Victory breaking the line...

Print made in 1837 based on a painting in the Royal Collection, The Battle of Trafalgar: I. The Beginning of the Action: The 'Victory' Breaking the Line, signed and dated 1833. 6 vessels are present in this depiction of the Battle of Trafalgar. Soon after mid-day on the 25 October 1805, in the thick of battle, the ‘Victory’, centre, its sunlit sails holed, ploughs to the right foreground between two French ships, the ‘Redoutable’, appropriately in shadow to the left, and ‘Bucentaure’. The other ships receding to the rear on either side all belong to the enemy, Spanish or French. This therefore provides an image of the ‘Victory’ apparently surrounded by enemy ships, breaking through alone.

Object Details

ID: PAI6537
Type: Print
Display location: Not on display
Creator: Duncan, Edward; Huggins, William John
Events: Napoleonic Wars: Battle of Trafalgar, 1805
Vessels: Bucentaure (1803); Redoutable (1791) Victory (1765)
Date made: Mar 1837
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Measurements: Sheet: 605 x 818 mm

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