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Last entry 4.15pm
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National Maritime Museum
National Maritime Museum
Open daily 10am-5pm
Last entry 4.15pm
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Queen's House
Queen's House
Open daily 10am - 5pm
Last entry 4.15pm
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Royal Observatory
Royal Observatory
Open daily 10am-5pm
Last entry 4.15pm
Adult: £24 | Child: £12
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Valentine's Day drawing workshop at the Queen's House
Develop your portrait skills in this special guided workshop, led by artist Federico Baeza-Autillo
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Tour the night sky LIVE
Take a whistle-stop tour of the night sky with Royal Observatory astronomers in this live stream for National Astronomy Week
In Greenwich
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LGBTQ+ History Month
Join us in Greenwich this February for a spectacular series of events celebrating queer histories, cultures and communities
Art at the Queen's House
Our Ocean, Our Planet
Guide to the night sky
Museum blog
Space and astronomy highlights in 2025
What's worth looking up for in 2025? Discover this year's must-see moments with Royal Observatory astronomers
Reframing Black history: Joseph Ijoyemi and the Atlantic Worlds gallery
From resilience to resistance, two new paintings in the Atlantic Worlds gallery at the National Maritime Museum celebrate the history of pre-colonial Africa
The Shipping Forecast
The Shipping Forecast was first broadcast on the BBC in 1925. Explore the history of the forecast with the National Maritime Museum, and discover objects connected with the power of our ocean
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Item Category
Astronomical and navigational instruments
Astronomical and navigational instruments
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2. Astronomy in the lecture theatre
3. Astronomy demonstrated: instruments and models
4. Astronomy and print
Astrolabes and quadrants
Celestial navigation
Charting instruments
Course, speed and distance indicators
Depth sounding
Electronic navigation
Exploring the Arctic
Franklin relics
Globes and globe gores
Herschel family
Meteorological instruments
Optical equipment
Popular Astronomy
Prints, drawings and watercolours
Recent acquisitions
Telescopes at the Royal Observatory Greenwich
Telescopes Online Gallery
The astronomical telescope
The Herschels as artists
The Herschels as collectors
The Herschels as experimenters
The Herschels as instrument makers
The many faces of the telescope
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Fine art
Fine art
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1. Astronomy for all
2. Astronomy in the lecture theatre
4. Astronomy and print
After the War. Hong Kong and the Treaty Ports
A Matter of Life and Death
An iconic device
A Sea of Symbols
Captain George Pechell Mends (circa 1814 – 1871)
China before the Opium Wars with a specific focus on Canton
Dutch ships
English shipping
English ships
Exploring the Arctic
Foreign Shores
Green Blackwall collection
Herschel family
Lieutenant Gabriel Bray (1750–1823)
Maritime Art Greenwich
Michael Graham-Stewart collection
Nature and National Waters
Nicholas Pocock
Oil paintings
Opium Wars
Patronage, Battles and the Exotic
Popular Astronomy
Prints, drawings and watercolours
Recent acquisitions
Routes and Resources
Sailing warships
Sketchbooks and albums
Studies of ships and vessels
Telescopes at the Royal Observatory Greenwich
Telescopes Online Gallery
The astronomical telescope
The Herschels as artists
The Herschels as collectors
The Opium Wars
The Rise of the Seascape
The telescope’s satirical side
Van de Velde drawings
What is the North-West Passage?
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Exploring the Arctic
Michael Graham-Stewart collection
Sailing warships
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Ship models
Ship models
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A Matter of Life and Death
Cargo vessels
Dockyards, buildings, and topography
Exploration and research vessels
Fishing and hunting vessels
Green Blackwall collection
Lifeboats and lifesaving vessels
Passenger vessels
Powered warships
Racing and pleasure craft
Recent acquisitions
Routes and Resources
Royal yachts and ceremonial craft
Sailing warships
Sailors' craftwork
Service vessels
Small craft
South-East Asia
South Asia
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Special collections
Special collections
Show all
Cargo vessels
Domestic clocks and watches
English ships
Green Blackwall collection
House flag
Loose maps and charts: general collection
Maritime Art Greenwich
Michael Graham-Stewart collection
Nicholas Pocock
Objet d'art
Oil paintings
Orders and medals
Prints, drawings and watercolours
Sailing warships
Sailors' craftwork
South America
Van de Velde drawings
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2. Astronomy in the lecture theatre
A Matter of Life and Death
House flag
Michael Graham-Stewart collection
Popular Astronomy
Prints, drawings and watercolours
Recent acquisitions
Routes and Resources
Sailors' craftwork
Telescopes Online Gallery
The astronomical telescope
United Kingdom
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aerospace transport: aircraft
aerospace transport: aircraft (German)
aerospace transport: aircraft: beaufighter (aircraft)
aerospace transport: aircraft: flying boat
armament t&e, ammunition: depth charges
armament t&e, artillery: cannon (type Q)
Astronomical Diagrams
building: castle
building: church
building: clock tower
building: fort
building: fort (Netherlands)
building: lighthouse
building: rectory
building: tower
building: tower, fortified
building: unidentified
Building aircraft carrier
ceremonial artifact: Commonwealth Standard
ceremonial artifact: flag (royal standard)
ceremonial artifact: flag, national
ceremonial artifact: flag, union
ceremonial artifact: jack
ceremonial artifact: obelisk (Cleopatra's Needle)
ceremonial artifact: obelisk (Egyptian)
ceremonial artifact: standard
ceremonial artifact: standard, royal (flag)
Coloured line engraving
documentary artifact: address
documentary artifact: book
documentary artifact: booklet
documentary artifact: drawing
documentary artifact: drawing, technical
documentary artifact: engraving
documentary artifact: engraving, stipple
documentary artifact: indenture, apprentice's
documentary artifact: mezzotint
documentary artifact: photograph
documentary artifact: photographic reproduction
documentary artifact: poem
documentary artifact: postcard
documentary artifact: poster, packet
documentary artifact: print
Double painting
Etching with aquatint
exchange medium: guinea
figure, human: marine
figure, human: rating
hand-coloured print
mechanical t&e: crane
Miniature portrait of Admiral Sir William Bolton
Nelson's Ship in a Bottle
Oil painting
Oil Painting
oil painting
original art: drawing
original art: painting, oil(?)
original art: print
other structure: boatbuilding yard
other structure: breakwater, artifical (gooseberry)
other structure: derrick, coal
other structure: dock, grain
other structure: dockyard
other structure: dry dock
other structure: fortification
other structure: harbour
other structure: harbour (Netherlands)
other structure: harbour, mulberry
other structure: jetty
other structure: pier
other structure: port
other structure: port (UK)
other structure: port, Barbary
painting, oil
personal symbol: coat of arms
Photograph (?)
Photographic print
Photographic reproduction
Portrait miniature
Portrait of Rear Admiral George Fowke
Printing plate
printing t&e: plate
printing t&e: plate, printing
Self portrait of William Anderson
Stipple engraving
study, oil
surveying & navigational t&e: quadrant (Elton's)
surveying & navigational t&e: quadrant (Smith's)
Technical drawing
visual communication t&e: flag, signal
Wall hanging
water transport: cargo vessel: barge
water transport: cargo vessel: barge, hay
water transport: cargo vessel: barge, Thames
water transport: cargo vessel: barque, timber (Denmark)
water transport: cargo vessel: brig
water transport: cargo vessel: brig (HEIC)
water transport: cargo vessel: brig, revenue
water transport: cargo vessel: clipper
water transport: cargo vessel: clipper (USA)
water transport: cargo vessel: clipper, opium
water transport: cargo vessel: clipper, tea
water transport: cargo vessel: collier
water transport: cargo vessel: coolie ship
water transport: cargo vessel: cruiser, merchant
water transport: cargo vessel: cutter, smuggling
water transport: cargo vessel: East Indiaman
water transport: cargo vessel: East Indiaman (UK)
water transport: cargo vessel: frigate, Blackwall
water transport: cargo vessel: Indiaman (Netherlands)
water transport: cargo vessel: junk, trading
water transport: cargo vessel: junk, war
water transport: cargo vessel: keel, Humber
water transport: cargo vessel: liner, cargo
water transport: cargo vessel: lorry, amphibious
water transport: cargo vessel: merchantman
water transport: cargo vessel: merchantman (Netherlands)
water transport: cargo vessel: packet
water transport: cargo vessel: packet (Channel)
water transport: cargo vessel: packet (Falmouth)
water transport: cargo vessel: packet (Post Office)
water transport: cargo vessel: slaver
water transport: cargo vessel: smack, coasting
water transport: cargo vessel: smuggler
water transport: cargo vessel: smuggler (France)
water transport: cargo vessel: snow
water transport: cargo vessel: tanker
water transport: cargo vessel: tanker, oil (USA)
water transport: cargo vessel: West Indiaman
water transport: exploration/research vessel: schooner, survey (HMS)
water transport: exploration/research vessel: survey vessel (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel (RIM)
water transport: fighting vessel (UK)
water transport: fighting vessel: 1st rate
water transport: fighting vessel: 1st rate (France)
water transport: fighting vessel: 1st rate (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 2 decker
water transport: fighting vessel: 2 decker (France)
water transport: fighting vessel: 2 decker (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 2 decker (Netherlands)
water transport: fighting vessel: 2nd rate (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 3 decker
water transport: fighting vessel: 3 decker (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 3 decker (Netherlands)
water transport: fighting vessel: 3 decker (Spain)
water transport: fighting vessel: 3rd rate
water transport: fighting vessel: 3rd rate (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 4th rate (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 5th rate (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 5th rate (Spain)
water transport: fighting vessel: 6th rate (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 30 gun ship (Netherlands)
water transport: fighting vessel: 32 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 42 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 46 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 48 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 50 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 54 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: 56 gun ship (Netherlands)
water transport: fighting vessel: 58-72 gun ship (Netherlands)
water transport: fighting vessel: 100 gun ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: aircraft carrier
water transport: fighting vessel: aircraft carrier (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: aircraft carrier (USS)
water transport: fighting vessel: armoured ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: battlecruiser (Germany)
water transport: fighting vessel: battlecruiser (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: battleship (Chile)
water transport: fighting vessel: battleship (Germany)
water transport: fighting vessel: battleship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: battleship, central battery (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: bomb vessel (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: brig (Denmark)
water transport: fighting vessel: brig (English) ?
water transport: fighting vessel: brig (France)
water transport: fighting vessel: brig (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: brig, gun (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: brig ?
water transport: fighting vessel: brigantine (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: canoe, war
water transport: fighting vessel: carrack (Portugal)
water transport: fighting vessel: carrack ?
water transport: fighting vessel: corvette
water transport: fighting vessel: corvette (France)
water transport: fighting vessel: corvette (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser (Germany)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser (Greece)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, 2nd class (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, armed merchant
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, heavy (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, light (Ceres class: HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, light (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, light (Sweden)
water transport: fighting vessel: cruiser, torpedo (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: cutter
water transport: fighting vessel: dazzle ship
water transport: fighting vessel: dazzle ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: destroyer
water transport: fighting vessel: destroyer (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: destroyer, flotilla leader (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: DUKW
water transport: fighting vessel: escort carrier (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: flagship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: flagship (Netherlands)
water transport: fighting vessel: flute (Netherlands)
water transport: fighting vessel: flute (UK)
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate (France)
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate (Netherlands)
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate (steam)
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate (steam: Denmark)
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate (Turkey)
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate (USS)
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate, paddle
water transport: fighting vessel: frigate, steam (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: galleon
water transport: fighting vessel: galleon (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: galley
water transport: fighting vessel: galley (France)
water transport: fighting vessel: guardship
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat (Denmark)
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat (France)
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat (USS)
water transport: fighting vessel: gunboat, motor
water transport: fighting vessel: gunvessel (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: ironclad (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: ketch
water transport: fighting vessel: ketch, bomb
water transport: fighting vessel: ketch ?
water transport: fighting vessel: landing craft
water transport: fighting vessel: landing ship, tank
water transport: fighting vessel: longship, Viking
water transport: fighting vessel: lugger (Denmark) ?
water transport: fighting vessel: lugger (France)
water transport: fighting vessel: lugger (France) ?
water transport: fighting vessel: lugger, pirate
water transport: fighting vessel: lugger ?
water transport: fighting vessel: man o' war
water transport: fighting vessel: man o' war (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: man o' war (Netherlands)
water transport: fighting vessel: man o' war (Spain)
water transport: fighting vessel: man o' war (UK)
water transport: fighting vessel: merchant cruiser, armed
water transport: fighting vessel: minesweeper
water transport: fighting vessel: minesweeper (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: pirate
water transport: fighting vessel: pirate (Barbary)
water transport: fighting vessel: pirate, Barbary
water transport: fighting vessel: privateer
water transport: fighting vessel: privateer (America)
water transport: fighting vessel: privateer (France)
water transport: fighting vessel: privateer (Netherlands)
water transport: fighting vessel: privateer (UK)
water transport: fighting vessel: raider
water transport: fighting vessel: schooner
water transport: fighting vessel: ship (American vessels: captured) ?
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop (RIM)
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, brig (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: sloop, paddle (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: submarine
water transport: fighting vessel: submarine (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: submarine, midget
water transport: fighting vessel: submarine, U boat
water transport: fighting vessel: submarine, U boat (Germany)
water transport: fighting vessel: torpedo boat, motor
water transport: fighting vessel: trawler, minesweeping
water transport: fighting vessel: treasure ship (Spain)
water transport: fighting vessel: turret ship (HMS)
water transport: fighting vessel: warship (France)
water transport: fighting vessel: warship (Netherlands)
water transport: fighting vessel: warship (Spain)
water transport: fishing vessel
water transport: fishing vessel: buss, herring
water transport: fishing vessel: crab boat
water transport: fishing vessel: curragh (Ireland)
water transport: fishing vessel: dogger (Netherlands) ?
water transport: fishing vessel: fishing boat
water transport: fishing vessel: fishing boat (France)
water transport: fishing vessel: fishing boat (mussel)
water transport: fishing vessel: fishing boat (Netherlands)
water transport: fishing vessel: lugger, fishing
water transport: fishing vessel: pink, fishing
water transport: fishing vessel: smack, fishing
water transport: fishing vessel: trawler, Brixham
water transport: hunting vessel: whaler
water transport: hunting vessel: whaler (Netherlands)
water transport: liberty boat
water transport: local craft (China)
water transport: local craft (Malta)
water transport: local craft (Society Islands)
water transport: local craft (Tahiti)
water transport: motor launch (HMS)
water transport: motor vessel: collier, diesel
water transport: muffy
water transport: passenger vessel: Cunarder ?
water transport: passenger vessel: ferry
water transport: passenger vessel: ferry (Netherlands)
water transport: passenger vessel: liner, passenger
water transport: passenger vessel: liner, passenger ?
water transport: passenger vessel: tilt boat
water transport: recreation vessel: barge, royal
water transport: recreation vessel: barge, sailing
water transport: recreation vessel: barge, sailing (medieval)
water transport: recreation vessel: barge, sailing (Medway)
water transport: recreation vessel: brigantine ?
water transport: recreation vessel: ketch
water transport: recreation vessel: ketch ?
water transport: recreation vessel: schooner ?
water transport: recreation vessel: yacht
water transport: sailing vessel
water transport: sailing vessel: barge, sailing
water transport: sailing vessel: barge, spritsail
water transport: sailing vessel: barque
water transport: sailing vessel: barque (Japan)
water transport: sailing vessel: barque, 3 masted
water transport: sailing vessel: barque, 4 masted
water transport: sailing vessel: barquentine
water transport: sailing vessel: brig
water transport: sailing vessel: brigantine
water transport: sailing vessel: clipper
water transport: sailing vessel: clipper, barque rigged
water transport: sailing vessel: merchantman [Spanish]
water transport: sailing vessel: sailing ship
water transport: sailing vessel: schooner
water transport: sailing vessel: schooner (America)
water transport: sailing vessel: schooner (HMS)
water transport: sailing vessel: schooner, staysail
water transport: sailing vessel: schooner, topsail
water transport: sailing vessel: schooner, topsail (America)
water transport: sailing vessel: trawler, sailing (Harwich)
water transport: service vessel: barge, funeral
water transport: service vessel: barge, livery
water transport: service vessel: barge, royal
water transport: service vessel: barge, state
water transport: service vessel: barge, state (Netherlands)
water transport: service vessel: barge, swim-head
water transport: service vessel: blockship
water transport: service vessel: boom defence vessel
water transport: service vessel: brig, Trinity House
water transport: service vessel: cable ship
water transport: service vessel: cutter, pilot
water transport: service vessel: cutter, revenue
water transport: service vessel: despatch vessel (HMS)
water transport: service vessel: dinghy ?
water transport: service vessel: gig, ship's
water transport: service vessel: hulk
water transport: service vessel: hulk, powder (HMS)
water transport: service vessel: hulk, prison
water transport: service vessel: hulk, quarantine
water transport: service vessel: launch, rescue
water transport: service vessel: lifeboat
water transport: service vessel: lifeboat (Cromer)
water transport: service vessel: lightship
water transport: service vessel: lugger, Deal
water transport: service vessel: oiler (Germany)
water transport: service vessel: pilgrim ship (Venice)
water transport: service vessel: pilot boat
water transport: service vessel: raft
water transport: service vessel: raft (Netherlands)
water transport: service vessel: rowing boat
water transport: service vessel: salvage vessel
water transport: service vessel: schooner, pilot
water transport: service vessel: ship's boat
water transport: service vessel: slaver
water transport: service vessel: slaver (Brazil)
water transport: service vessel: state vessel (Venice)
water transport: service vessel: storeship (HMS)
water transport: service vessel: troopship
water transport: service vessel: troopship (India: HMS)
water transport: service vessel: tug
water transport: service vessel: tug (HMS)
water transport: service vessel: tug (Netherlands)
water transport: service vessel: tug, paddle
water transport: service vessel: tug, salvage
water transport: ship, model
water transport: steam & sailing vessel
water transport: steam & sailing vessel: steamship, brig rigged
water transport: steam vessel
water transport: steam vessel, paddle
water transport: steam vessel, paddle (America)
water transport: steam vessel, paddle (HMS)
water transport: steam vessel: barge, steam
water transport: steam vessel: steamship
water transport: steam vessel: steamship (America)
water transport: steam vessel: steamship (HMS)
water transport: steam vessel: trawler, steam (Harwich)
water transport: steam vessel: tug
water transport: training vessel: barque, sail training (Japan)
water transport: training vessel: training ship (HMS)
water transport: training vessel: yacht, training
water transport: trawler
water transport: trawler (Lowestoft)
water transport: unknown function: aqhaisa (Malta)
water transport: unknown function: barge
water transport: unknown function: barge (Netherlands)
water transport: unknown function: boat
water transport: unknown function: boat (Venice)
water transport: unknown function: brick (France)
water transport: unknown function: brig
water transport: unknown function: brig (America)
water transport: unknown function: brig (Denmark)
water transport: unknown function: brigantine
water transport: unknown function: brigantine (Mediterranean)
water transport: unknown function: coaster ?
water transport: unknown function: craft (Netherlands)
water transport: unknown function: cutter
water transport: unknown function: cutter (France)
water transport: unknown function: felucca
water transport: unknown function: galeass
water transport: unknown function: galjoot (Netherlands)
water transport: unknown function: hooker
water transport: unknown function: junk
water transport: unknown function: kaag (Netherlands)
water transport: unknown function: ketch
water transport: unknown function: ketch ?
water transport: unknown function: motor boat
water transport: unknown function: polacre (fishing vessel)
water transport: unknown function: ship
water transport: unknown function: ship (Algerine)
water transport: unknown function: ship (America)
water transport: unknown function: ship (Denmark)
water transport: unknown function: ship (Dutch)
water transport: unknown function: ship (English)
water transport: unknown function: ship (France)
water transport: unknown function: ship (Middelburg)
water transport: unknown function: ship (Netherlands)
water transport: unknown function: ship (Netherlnds)
water transport: unknown function: ship (Spain)
water transport: unknown function: ship (UK)
water transport: unknown function: ship (Zeeland)
water transport: unknown function: sloop
water transport: unknown function: sloop (HMS)
water transport: unknown function: sloop (USA)
water transport: unknown function: sloop (USS)
water transport: unknown function: sloop, Humber
water transport: unknown function: smack
water transport: unknown function: weyschuit (Netherlands)
water transport: unknown function: wijdschip (Netherlands)
water transport: yacht
water transport: yacht (J Class)
water transport: yacht (J class)
water transport: yacht (Netherlands)
water transport: yacht (UK)
water transport: yacht, cutter
water transport: yacht, royal (HMY)
water transport: yacht, royal (ketch rigged: HMY)
water transport: yacht, States (Netherlands)
water transport: yacht ?
water transport: yawl
water transport accessory: binnacle
water transport accessory: figurehead (mermaid)
water transport accessory: mainsail (clews hauled up)
water transport accessory: topsail, fore
water transport component: fo'c'sle
water transport component: forecastle
water transport equipment: sails, mainmast (mainsail and topsails)
Apply Filter
(probably) ivory
17th-century Dutch-style wooden frame
Acrylic medium on hardboard.
Acrylic on canvas
and graphite
aquatint & engraving
aquatint & etching
Aquatint & etching
aquatint & etching, brown
aquatint & etching, coloured
aquatint, brown
aquatint, coloured
aquatint, hand-coloured
aquatint, hand-coloured and partly glazed with gum-arabic
aquatint, tinted
aquatint and etching, hand-coloured
aquatint with engraving, hand-coloured
aquatint with etching, hand-coloured
aquatint [TBC], with grey wash
Baxter print
Beeswax on mahogany panel
black chalk
Black chalk, brush and grey wash
black chalk on laid paper
black crayon
black ink
black paint & graphite
black pen and ink
black pen and ink blue-grey wash on wove paper (verso printed map fragment)
black wash
blotting paper
blotting paper (?)
blue, medium, slightly textured, handmade, antique laid paper
blue, medium, slightly textured, handmade, laid paper
blue-fibred, medium, slightly textured, handmade, laid paper
blue aquatint
blue ink, pen and wash on wove paper (verso printed chart fragment)
blue ink on wove paper (verso fragment of printed chart)
board, Bristol
body colour
bodycolour & graphite
bodycolour & watercolour
bodycolour on vellum
brown & grey wash
Brown and grey wash over graphite, heightened with white on paper (now light-stained) laid on card
brown etching
brown ink
Brown ink, gouache on paper attached to card
brown pen and ink
brown wash
brown wash with graphite
brush and colour wash
brush and grey wash
Brush and grey wash
Brush and grey wash, graphite
buff, medium, slightly textured, handmade, antique laid paper
canvas board
card, invitation
chalk, black
chalk, black, with white heightening, on blue paper
chalk pastel
coloured aquatint
Coloured aquatint
coloured aquatint & etching
Coloured aquatint & etching,
coloured aquatint with stipple
Coloured engraving
coloured engraving
coloured etching
Coloured etching
coloured impression lithograph
coloured lithograph
Coloured lithograph
Coloured lithograph,
coloured lithograph, printed on both sides (front only shown here)
coloured mezzotint
colour reproduction
copper engraving
copper panel
crayon & watercolour
crayon, black
crayon, black & wash, grey, on grey wove paper
crayon, blue
crayon, heightened with white and yellow gouache
crayon-manner engraving
cream, medium, antique laid paper
cream, medium, moderately textured, handmade, laid paper.
cream, medium, moderately textured, handmade laid paper
cream, medium, slighhtly textured, handmade, laid (est.) paper
cream, medium, slightly textured, antique laid paper
cream, medium, slightly textured, handamde
cream, medium, slightly textured, handmade, (laid paper)
cream, medium, slightly textured, handmade, antique laid paper
Cream, medium, slightly textured, handmade, antique laid paper
cream ,medium, slightly textured, handmade, antique laid paper
cream, medium, slightly textured, handmade, antique laid paper.
cream, medium, slightly textured, handmade, laid (?) paper
cream, medium, slightly textured, handmade, laid(?) paper
cream, medium, slightly textured, handmade, laid (est.) paper
cream, medium, slightly textured, handmade, laid (est.) paper pasted on card
cream, medium, slightly textured, handmade, laid paper
cream, medium, slightly textured, handmade, laid paper.
cream, medium, slightly textured, handmade laid paper
cream, medium, smooth, handmade, laid (est.) paper
cream, thin, slightly textured, handmade, antique laid paper
decorators paint? on canvas
drypoint & etching
drypoint, coloured
drypoint etching
ebonized wood
Egg tempera on canvas on panel
emerald (?)
enamel (ceramic)
engraving & etching
Engraving & etching
engraving & etching, coloured
engraving & etching, hand-coloured
engraving, brown
engraving, coloured
engraving, coloured & varnished
engraving, etching
engraving, hand-coloured
engraving, hand-coloured stipple
engraving, sepia
engraving, steel
engraving, stipple
engraving, tinted
engraving, wood
engraving with aquatint
engraving with aquatint, coloured
engraving with etching
engraving with etching, hand-coloured
etching & engraving
etching & photogravure
etching, acquatint and roulette
etching, brown
etching, brown ink
etching, coloured
etching, coloured with watercolours
etching, engraving and aquatint with publisher's colouring
etching, engraving and aquatint with publisher's watercolour
etching, engraving and letterpress
etching, hand-coloured
etching, hand coloured
etching, soft ground
etching, tinted
etching, tinted, hand-coloured, acquatint
etching, touched with graphite
etching, with drypoint
etching, with drypoint and roulette work
etching, with graphite
etching, with roulette work
etching, with watercolour
etching and aquatint
etching and aquatint (coloured)
etching and aquatint, coloured
etching and aquatint, hand-coloured
etching and engraving
etching and engraving, hand-coloured
etching and mezzotint
etching with aquatint, hand-coloured
etching with engraving
etching with engraving, hand-coloured
etching with engraving and publisher's colouring
etching with publisher's colouring
etching with publisher's watercolour
gilded wood
gilt frame
gilt metal
gouache & graphite
gouache & pen & ink, black
gouache & watercolour
gouache (probably)
gouache on paper
gouache or tempera on card
graphite & bodycolour
graphite & brown wash
graphite & crayon
graphite & grey wash
Graphite & grey wash
graphite & ink
graphite & ink, sepia
graphite & pen & ink
graphite & pen & ink, brown
graphite & pen & ink, grey
graphite & wash
graphite & wash, blue
graphite & wash, brown
graphite & wash, brown & grey
graphite & wash, brown, heightened with white, on two joined sheets of grey paper
graphite & wash, grey
graphite & watercolour
graphite (Offset)
graphite (pencil on paper)
graphite, brush and grey wash
graphite, with grey wash
graphite, with watercolour
graphite on cream wove paper
graphite with watercolour
graph paper
grey & brown wash
grey and brown wash
grey wash
grey wash, with graphite
Grey wash, with graphite
grey wash, with graphite, pen & ink
Grisaille (pen and brush on canvas)
grisaille on canvas
Grisaille on canvas
Grisaille on canvas/panel
grisaille on panel
Grisaille on panel
Grisaille on vellum
gum arabic
halftone, relief
hand-coloured aquatint
hand-coloured etching
hand-coloured lithograph
hand-coloured stipple engraving
heightened with white
human hair
ink, brown
Ink, watercolour, gouache and pencil on paper on card
ivory (probably)
laid paper
line block
line engraving
lithograph, brown
lithograph, coloured
lithograph, hand-coloured
lithograph, tinted
medium: watercolour
metal: copper
mezzotint, coloured
Mixed media, including: acrylic (PMMA), cast resin, wood, brass and printed canvas
offset & graphite
offset lithograph, coloured
oiled tracing paper
Oil on artist's prepared board
oil on artists board
Oil on artists board
Oil on artists prepared board
oil on board
Oil on board
Oil on board?
oil on canvas
Oil on canvas
Oil on canvas
oil on canvas, frame
Oil on canvas, frame
oil on canvas board
Oil on canvas board
Oil on canvas marouflagaed on sundeala board
oil on canvas marouflaged on board
oil on canvas marouflaged on Sundaela board
oil on canvas marouflaged on Sundeala board
oil on canvas marouflaged on sundeala board
Oil on canvas marouflaged on Sundeala board
Oil on canvas marouflaged on sundeala board
Oil on canvas marouflaged on Sundeala board
Oil on canvas marouflaged onto board
Oil on canvas marouflaged onto Sundaela board
oil on canvas marouflaged onto Sundaela board
oil on canvas marouflaged onto sundaela board
Oil on canvas marouflaged onto Sundeala board
oil on canvas marouflaged onto Sundeala board
Oil on canvas marouflaged onto sundeala board
Oil on canvas mounted on board
Oil on canvas mounted on cardboard
oil on canvas on artists board
oil on canvas on artists board No frame
oil on canvas on board
Oil on canvas on board
Oil on canvas on card
Oil on canvas on cardboard
Oil on canvas on millboard
Oil on canvas on panel
Oil on canvas on sundeala board
oil on card
oil on cardboard
Oil on commercial hardboard
Oil on fabric covered board
Oil on glass
oil on hardboard
Oil on hardboard
Oil on leathercloth
oil on mahogany panel
oil on metal
Oil on metal
oil on millboard
Oil on millboard
oil on oak panel
oil on panel
Oil on panel
oil on panel, frame
Oil on panel, frame
oil on paper
Oil on paper
oil on paper on canvas
oil on paper on card
Oil on paper on cardboard
oil on pine panel
oil on plywood
Oil on plywood panel
oil on pulp board
Oil on pulpboard
oil on slate
oil on strawboard
Oil on textured artists paper
Oil on thick fabric-backed paper (verso of a chart)
oil on wood panel
oil paint
Oil painting, frame
oil sketch
Oil sketch on hardboard
on card
organic: cardboard
organic: paper
papier mache
pen & black ink
pen & brown ink
pen & brown ink, with grey wash
pen & ink
pen & ink & wash, brown
pen & ink & wash, grey
pen & ink & watercolour
pen & ink, black
pen & ink, black & watercolour
Pen & ink, black & watercolour
pen & ink, brown
Pen & ink, brown & wash, brown & grey
pen & ink, brown & wash, grey
pen & ink, brown & watercolour
pen & ink, coloured
pen & ink, grey
pen & ink, grey wash
pen & ink, with graphite
pen & ink, with graphite and watercolour
pen & wash
pen & wash, grey
pen and black ink
pen and brown ink
pen and brown ink, brush and grey wash
pen and brown ink, brush and grey wash, graphite
pen and brown ink, brush and grey wash, graphite underdrawing
pen and brown ink, graphite
pen and brown ink, graphite, brush and grey wash
pen and brown ink, graphite underdrawing
Pen and brown ink, pen and black ink (border)
pen and brown ink, pen and black ink, brush and grey wash, graphite
pen and brown ink, pen and black ink, brush and grey wash, graphite underdrawing
pen and brush on panel
pen and ink
pen and ink over graphite on cream wove paper
Pencil on a detached sketchbook leaf with rounded (right) corners
Pencil on grey paper
Pencil on paper
photograph, coloured
photogravure, colour
photogravure, coloured
photogravure, line
printing ink
reproduction, blue
reproduction, colour
reproduction, half-tone
reproduction, halftone
roulette work
scraped highlights
steel engraving
Steel engraving
steel engraving, with etching
stipple engraving
synthetic: glass
thick card
Tinted aquatint
tinted lithograph
Tinted lithograph
tracing paper
two cream, medium, slightly textured, laid papers pasted together
wash, black
wash, blue
wash, blue & brown
wash, blue & grey
wash, brown
wash, brown & grey
wash, grey
wash, grey & brown
wash, grey, with graphite
wash, mauve
watercolour, black & grey
watercolour, grey wash and graphite
watercolour, heightened with white
watercolour, with graphite
Watercolour, with graphite
watercolour, with graphite, pen & ink, on cream wove paper
watercolour, with pen and ink
watercolour and bodycolour
watercolour and graphite
watercolour on cream wove paper
watercolour on paper
watercolour on white wove paper
watercolour over graphite
Watercolour over graphite
watercolour over pencil
watercolour over pencil, heightened with white
watercolour with bodycolour
watercolour with graphite
watercolour with graphite, pen & ink on cream wove paper
watercolour with pen & black ink
Watercolour with pen and ink on paper
Whatman board
white heightening
white highlights
with graphite
with pen and ink
wood engraving
wood engraving, coloured
wood engraving and letterpress
wove paper
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Display Location
Display Location
Display Location
Display - Atlantic Gallery
Display - Main Museum Grounds
Display - Nelson, Navy, Nation Gallery
Display - Pacific Encounters Gallery
Display - Polar Worlds Gallery
Display - QH
Display - ROG
Display - Traders Gallery
Display - Tudor and Stuart Seafarers Gallery
Display - Voyagers
Not on display
Apply Filter
Abbott, after Lemuel Francis
Abbott, Lemuel Francis
Ackermann & Co
Ackermann, Rudolph
Adlard, Henry
Allan & Ferguson
Allom, Thomas
American School, 19th century
Anaglyphic Company
Anderson, William
Andras, Catherine
Andrews, George Henry
Anthonisz, Aert
Arnald, George
Arnulphy, Claude
Ashby & Co
Atkins, G. H.
Atkins, Samuel
Atkins, William Edward
Atkinson, John Augustus
B., H.
B., H. H. G.
Babut, F.
Backhuysen, Ludolf
Baily, J.
Baldwin, W. T.
Ballin, Auguste
Barlow, H. B.
Barlow, J
Bartlett, William Henry
Baston, J
Baxter, George
Becquet freres
Beechey, Frederick William
Beechey, Richard Brydges
Beechey, William
Beerstraten, Jan Abrahamsz
Beever, W A
Bellevois, Jacob Adriaensz
Bemrose & Sons Ltd
Bentley & Co.
Bergen, Claus
Bertrand, Arthur
Beuttler, E. G. O.
Bone, Stephen
Bourne, J C
Bouwmeester, Cornelis
Bowles & Carver
Bowles, Carington
Bowles, John
Bowyer, Robert
Boydell, John
Bradbury, Arthur Royce
Brandard, J
Brenet, Albert
Breton, Louis Le
Brierly, Oswald Walters
British School
British School, 17th century
British School, 18th century
British School, 19th century
British School, 20th century
Brocktorff, Charles Frederick de
Bromley, William
Brooking, Charles
Brown, Mather
Brown, Tom B.
Bry, Auguste
Buchan, H. J.
Bunbury, Henry William
Bunney & Gold
Burgess, Arthur James Wetherall
Burnet, John
Burt, Capt Edward
Busk, Hans
Butland, G. W.
Buttersworth, James Edward
Buttersworth, Thomas
C. Motte, C
Callcott, Augustus Wall
Cammillieri, Nicholas
Canot, Pierre Charles
Carboni, Matteo
Carmichael, John Wilson
Casembrot, Abraham
Cassell & Co. Ltd
Cast, Jesse Dale
Castro, Sebastian
Chambers, George
Chambers, George William Crawford
Charles Taylor, Charles
Charnock, John
Cheffins, C F
Chinese School
Chinese School, 19th century
Chinnery, George
Chinnery, P. A.
Church, B.
Clark, Joseph
Clark, William
Cleveley, John
Cleveley, Robert
Clifford, Henry
Cobb, Charles David
Coish, H.
Coles, Cowper Phipps
Colley, Thomas
Condy, Nicholas
Condy, Nicolas Matthew
Cook, John Kingsley
Cooke, Edward William
Cooke, George
Cooke, William Bernard
Cooper, J. E.
Cooper, Samuel
Cope, Arthur Stockdale
Corbould, Richard
Cosway, Richard
Cox, David
Cozzens, Frederic S.
Craig, William Marshall
Cruikshank, Frederick
Cruikshank, George
Cruikshank, Isaac
Cruikshank, Issac Robert
Cull, Alma Claude Burlton
Cundall, Charles Ernest
Currie, H. M.
Currier & Ives
Currier, Nathaniel
Dahl, Michael
Dance, Nathaniel
Daniell, William
Dartnell, G.
Darton & Harvey
Davey, George
Davidson, Thomas
Dawe, Henry Edward
Dawson, Montague
Day & Haghe
Day & Son
Day, W.
Dean & Co
Dean & Munday
Dean & Son
Deey, N E
Delaplante & Durand Brager
Delarue, Francois
Delarue, Victor
Devis, Arthur William
Dickinson, Joseph
Dickinson, William
Diest, Adriaen van
Diest, Willem Hermansz van
Dighton, Richard
Dighton, Robert
Dodd, Robert
Dolby, Edwin Thomas
Downman, John
Doyle, John
Dring, Dennis William
Droosten, Allan & Co
Drummond, Samuel
Ducote, A.
Dudley, Robert
Duncan, Edward
Dunn, Laurence T
Dunthorne, Robert
Durand-Brager, Jean Baptiste Henri
Dutton, Thomas Goldsworthy
E. & H. L. Fry
E., W.
E. Gambart & Co
Edmund Fry & Son
Edwin Hayes
Eertvelt, Andries van
Egley, William
Elliott, William
Ellis, Joseph Francis
Elmes, William
Endicott & Co.
Engelmann, Graf, Coindet, & Co
English School, 16th century
English School, 17th century
Eurich, Richard Ernst
Everett, (Herbert Barnard) John
F. Sala & Co
Fairburn, John
Fairland, Thomas
Fannen, John Fairbairn
Farington, Joseph
Finden, Edward Francis
Fokke, Simon
Fokke, Williamsz A
Fores, S. W.
Forster & Co.
Foster, George
Foster, William
Fowles, Arthur Wellington
Francia, Francois Louis Thomas
Fraser, John
Fry, Edmund
Fry, Hubert
Fry, Thomas
G. & W. Endicott
G. Hawkins, G
Gabriel Bray
Gainsborough, Thomas
Galea, Luigi Maria
Garneray, Ambrose-Louis
Gauci, Paul
George Rowney & Co Ltd
German School, 19th century
Gheyn, Jacob de
Gianni, Giancinto
Gillard, T.
Gillray, James
Gluck, Carl
Godfrey, Oliver
Gold, Joyce
Gore, Charles
Goupil & Co
Government Litho Press
Green, Valentine
Gribble, Bernard Finegan
Griffin & Co
H. M. Currie & Son
Haghe, Louis
Hailstone, Bernard
Hamble, J.
Hanhart, Michael
Hanhart, Nicholas
Hardy, Thomas Bush
Harris, John
Hawkins, George
Hawkins, S. H.
Heard, Joseph
Heath, Henry
Heath, William
Hinton, A.
Hodges, William
Hogarth, J.
Hogarth, William
Holland, James
Holland, William
Holman, Francis
Hoppner, John
Hornbrook, J L
Horner, Thomas B.
Hudson, Thomas
Huggins, James Miller
Huggins, William John
Hullmandel, Charles Joseph
Humphrey, George
Humphrey, H.
Hunt, C.
Hyatt, Charles C.
Ibbetson, Julius Caesar
Inglefield, Edward Augustus
Isaac, John R.
J. G. Campbell & Co
Jackson, Mason
James S. Vertue & Co Ltd
James Whittle & Richard Holmes Laurie
Jeffreson, W
Jobbins, J. R.
John B. Day, John B
John William Edy, John William
Josiah Taylor, Josiah
Joy, William
Jukes & Sarjent
Jukes, Francis
Kay, John
Kell Bros
Kip, Johannes
Kitchingham, John
Knell, William Adolphus
Kneller, Godfrey
Knight, Charles
Kohler, W.
Lacey, Henry
Lambe, R.C.
Lane, Samuel
Langmaid, Rowland John Robb
Laurie, Richard Holmes
Lear, Edward
Lely, Peter
Lloyd Brothers & Co.
Loutherbourg, Philippe-Jacques de
Luny, Thomas
Luscombe, Henry Andrews
Lynn, John
M & N Hanhart
Maclure, A.
Madeley, George Edward
Martino, Eduardo de
May, Walter William
Mayer, Auguste Etienne Francois
McCormick, J.
McFarlane, Duncan
McLean, Thomas
Mears, George
Mends, George Pechell
Merke, Henri
Mitchell, William Frederick
Monamy, Peter
Monkhouse, William
Morel-Fatio, Antoine Léon
Morgan, H. J.
Morland, George
Morton, Andrew
Moses, Henry
Mosley, Charles
Muir, G
Mulier, Pieter
Murray, John
Myers, Mark Richard
Netherlandish School, 17th century
Nibbs, Richard Henry
Nooms, Reinier
Northcote, James
Orme, Daniel
Orme, Edward
Ouless, Philip John
Owen, Samuel
P. & D. Colnaghi & Co Ltd
Palmer, F. F.
Parkes, Oscar
Parsons, Charles Richard
Pass, J.
Paton, Richard
Pearce, Stephen
Pears, Charles
Peeters, Bonaventura
Perez, Matteo
Perrot, Ferdinand Victor
Philip & Evans
Physick, W.
Picken, Thomas
Pickersgill, Henry William
Plattenberg, Matthieu van
Pocock, Nicholas
Pollard, Robert
Porcellis, Jan
Pouncy, Benjamin Thomas
Prior, W H
Pugin, Augustus Charles
Purvis, T. G.
Ramsden, Edward
Read & Co
Reeve, Richard Gilson
Reinagle, George Philip
Reynolds, Joshua
Richardson, Jonathan
Rigaud, Jacques
Rigaud, John Francis
Robert Havell & Son
Robert Laurie & James Whittle
Roberts, P.
Robert Sayer & John Bennett
Robins, James & Co.
Robins, Thomas Sewell
Rogers, J.
Rogers, Senior, J.
Romney, George
Rosenberg, Charles
Rosenthal, L. N.
Rowlandson, Thomas
S & J Fuller
S, C H
S. W. Fores, S.W. Fores
Sailmaker, Isaac
Sainson, Louise Auguste de
Salm, Adriaen van
Salmon, Robert
Sanford, George T.
Sarony, Major & Knapp
Sartorius, Francis
Sayer, Robert
Schetky, John Christian
Schranz Brothers
Scott, John
Scott, Samuel
Scribner's, Charles, & Sons
Seaforth, Charles Henry
Serres, Dominic
Serres, John Thomas
Sewell, John
Seymour, Robert
Shepherd, Thomas Hosmer
Shields, Henry
Silber, F
Sillemans, Experiens
Simone, Antonio de
Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co. Ltd
Smirke, Robert
Smith, John Raphael
Soest, Pieter Cornelisz van
Spencer, Richard Ball
Spencer, William Ball
Spooner, William
Stadler, Joseph Constantine
Staets, Hendrick
Stanfield, Clarkson
Storck, Abraham
Storck, style of Abraham
Stratford, J.
Stuart, Gilbert
Studio of Daniel Mytens the Elder
Sutherland, Thomas
Sutton, W. J.
Swaine, Francis
Swaine, Monamy
Tanabe, Minoru
Tassin, Jean Baptiste Athanase
Taylor, C
Tegg, Thomas
the Younger, after Willem van de Velde,
the Younger, John Cleveley,
Thomas, Robert Strickland
Thomas Cadell & William Davies
Thompson, George
Thompson, Thomas C. D.
Thornhill, James
Tillemans, Pieter
Timms, W. H.
Tobin, George
Tomkin, W S
Tregear & Co
Tregear, Gabriel Shire
Tudgay, Frederick
Tudgay, John L.
Turner, Charles Edward
Unidentified artist
van Salm, Roelof
Velde, style of Willem van de
Velde, Willem van de, the Elder
Velde, Willem van de, the Younger
Verbeeck, Cornelisz
Vernon, H. John
Vernor, Hood & Sharpe
Vicellio, Cesaro
Vincent Brooks, Vincent
Visscher, Claes Janszoon
Vlieger, Simon de
Vroom, Hendrick Cornelisz
Wales-Smith, Arthur Douglas
Wallis, E.
Walter, Joseph
Walters, Samuel
Ward, James
Ward, John
Ward, William
Waterlow & Sons Ltd
Weale, John
Webber, John
West, Benjamin
Westall, Richard
Westall, William
Whistler, James Abbott McNeill
Whitcombe, Thomas
Wieringen, Cornelis Claesz van
Wilkinson, Norman
Wilkinson, Robert
Willaerts, Abraham
Willaerts, Adam
Williams, Charles
Williams, C P
Willson, James Kennett
Witham, Joseph
Witmont, Heerman
Wood, J.
Woodward, George Murgatroyd
Worsley, John Godfrey Bernard
Wyllie, Charles William
Wyllie, Harold
Wyllie, William Lionel
Yorke, William Horde
Yorke, William Howard
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Cardiff, Wales
City of London