The capture of the Marquise d'Antin and Louis Erasme by the English privateers Duke and Prince Frederick, 10 July 1745

Oil painting (framed) entitled 'The capture of the Marquise d'Antin and Louis Erasme by the English privateers Duke and Prince Frederick, 10 July 1745'

Object Details

ID: BHC0365
Collection: Fine art
Type: Painting
Display location: Not on display
Creator: British School, 18th century
Events: War of the Austrian Succession: 1740-1748
Vessels: Duke (c. 1745); Louis Erasme fl.1745 Marquise d'Antin fl.1745 Prince Frederick fl.1745
Date made: 18th century
Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, Caird Collection
Measurements: Painting: 610 mm x 1015 mm; Frame: 794 x 1198 x 70 mm

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