Liquid Sunshine
by Alexandra Hart
Winner of the Our Sun category
"This stunning and confident photograph is whimsically abstract while also being satisfyingly educational. It's what I love about astrophotography and, in particular, this competition."
- Ed Robinson, award-winning photographer, creative director and visual consultant. Founder of OneRedEye Visual Communications

145 Seconds of Darkness
by Filip Ogorzelski
Runner up
"One thing you often notice during an eclipse is how quiet everything becomes. Solar eclipses are calm, serene moments. This stripped-back image captures that serenity perfectly. The calm glow behind the silhouetted hills is all that is needed."
- Steve Marsh, Art Editor at the BBC Sky at Night Magazine

by Alan Friedman
Highly commended
"The symmetry of this image is fascinating and the unusual but exciting ultraviolet colour palette adds a unique twist to it. This is a nice example showing that the extraordinarily calm Sun surface, that might be a monotonous scene, can also be captured artistically and to an outstanding standard."
- László Francsics, Insight Investment Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2019 Overall Winner

No Earthly Hedgerow
by Paul Andrew

Total Solar Eclipse, Venus and the Red Giant Betelgeuse
by Sebastian Voltmer

The Art of the Chromosphere Magnetic Field Lines
by Gabriel Octavian Corban

Bridging the Light Fantastic
© Alastair Woodward (Sky-Watcher Evostar 120 Achromat Refractor telescope at f/35, DayStar QUARK Chromosphere filter, Sky-Watcher HEQ5 Pro GOTO mount, FLIR Blackfly (IMX249) camera, 700 x 1/40-second exposures)

Annular Solar Eclipse and Bailys Beads
by Letian Wang

by Łukasz Sujka

Sunspots AR 2741 and AR 2740
by Ruslan Ilnitsky

Transit of Mercury
by Premjith Narayanan