Glass bottle

Glass bottle labelled ‘Ol. Olive’. Cyriax noted it contained 2 fl.oz and was full. Olive oil. Bond's Companion to the Medicine Chest,pre-1862,p.32-3: “Oil of Olives. Has been usefully administered in affections of the kidneys, and in cases where any acrid substance has been taken into the stomach, acting as an emollient and demulcent. Dr. Paris observes, that in the copper and tin mines of Cornwall the men rely upon it as a protection from the arsenical vapour eliminated. – Smeared over the body, it has been recommended on high authority as a safeguard against the plague. Externally olive oil is applied in burns, and to allay the irritation of the stings of wasps, bees, and other venomous insects. Mixed with an equal quantity of hartshorn, it is used by gentle friction and stiff neck, which proceed from inflammation, the result of cold. Half an ounce of camphor, dissolved in two ounces of Olive Oil, form the camphorated oil so justly celebrated as an embrocation fro rheumatism, lumbago, and other deep-seated inflammations.”

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