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Horatio Nelson 'British Naval Achievements under the Heroic Nelson', Pears Pictorial No.4
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Object Details
Display location:
Not on display
Date made:
Jun 1894
Nelson, Horatio
National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
Sheet: 610 x 421 mm
Album - 'A Series of Engravings Illustrative of the Life of Lord Nelson' (Album)
Genealogical Tree of British Naval Victors (Print) (PAI4811)
The Immortality of Nelson (first state) (Print) (PAI4812)
The Immortality of Nelson (proof without writing on banners and tablets) (Print) (PAI4813)
The Parsonage House of Burnham Thorpe where Nelson was born (Print) (PAI4814)
Revd Edmund Nelson, Rector of Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk. Father of the Great Nelson (Print) (PAI4815)
Lieutenant Nelson in the Lowestoffe's boat volunteering to board an American Letter of Marque (Print) (PAI4816)
Nelson wounded at Teneriffe, 22 July 1797 (Print) (PAI4817)
Commodore Nelson in HMS Captain boarding the San Nicolas and San Josef (Print) (PAI4818)
HM Ships Agamemnon, Captain, Vanguard, Elephant and Victory in which Nelson distinguished himself (Print) (PAI4819)
Rear Admiral Nelson's conflict in his barge with a Spanish launch, night of July 3 1797 (Print) (PAI4820)
Plan of the Battle of the Nile, August 1st 1798 (Print) (PAI4821)
View of the Battle of the Nile accompanied by a plan (see PAI4821) (Print) (PAI4822)
Plan of Attack by the British Squadron under...Nelson against the Copenhagen...1801 (Print) (PAI4823)
View of the Battle of Copenhagen, accompanied by a plan (see PAH4823) (Print) (PAI4824)
Plan of the Commencement of the Battle of Trafalgar (Print) (PAI4825)
View of the Commencement of the Battle of Trafalgar, accompanied by a plan (see PAH4825) (Print) (PAI4826)
Nelson in the Victory's cockpit mortally wounded (first state) (Print) (PAI4827)
Nelson in the Victory's cockpit mortally wounded (Print) (PAI4828)
Relative situation of the British and Combined Fleets at the close of the Battle of Trafalgar (Print) (PAI4829)
Head of Nelson after the manner of an antique cameo, placed on a sarcophagus (Print) (PAI4830)
Elevation & Plan of Martello Tower Corsica, and aProfile of the Eighteen Pounder mounted on its Carriage & Slide (Print) (PAI4831)
Commemoration of XIVth February MDCCXCVII (14 Feb 1797, Battle of Cape St Vincent, with cameo portraits of admirals and captains) (Print) (PAI4832)
Victors of the Nile (Print) (PAI4833)
Potrait of Nelson, last & 3rd proof (Print) (PAI4834)
Description of the Magnificent Historical Print and Picture...of the Nile, August 1, 1798 (Key plate) (Print) (PAI4835)
Battle of the Nile...representing the Quarter Deck of Lord Nelson's ship the Vanguard, on the night...of August 1798... (Print) (PAI4836)
The Immortal Nelson (Bust) (Print) (PAI4837)
Duncan receiving the sword of the Dutch Admiral (Print) (PAI4838)
Commemoration of the XIth October MDCCXCVII (11 Oct 1797, Battle of Camperdown, with cameo portraits of admirals and captains) (Print) (PAI4839)
Stationers Almanack 1802 Attack on Copenhagen by Lord Nelson (Print) (PAI4840)
Ever Memorable Battle off Cape Trafalgfar, 21 Oct 1805 (Print) (PAI4841)
To the British Nation this Plate to Commemorate...Nelson...who nobly fell...Trafalgar, Octr 21 1805... (Print) (PAI4842)
The Rt Honorble Lord Visct Nelson, Duke of Bronte &c.The Chelengh...from an original sketch...Translation of the Grand Seignior's Letter... (Print) (PAI4843)
The Rt Honorble Lord Nelson K.B. Rear Admiral of the Red. Duke of Bronti, &c (Print) (PAI4844)
Portrait of a bust of Nelson, looking to the left (Print) (PAI4845)
Emblematic Design. The Glorious Battle of the Nile (with explanation) (Print) (PAI4846)
Battle of Trafalagr, and Death of Lord Viscount Nelson (Print) (PAI4847)
This Shallop, which brought the Body of...Nelson From Greenwich to Whitehall Stairs... (Print) (PAI4848)
A Perspective View of the Grand Funeral Car which carried the Body of...Nelson From the Admiralty to St Pauls...9th January 1806 (Print) (PAI4849)
An Exact Representation of the English & French Fleets under the Command of...Nelson & Admiral Brueys off the Mouth of the Nile...1st August 1798 (Print) (PAI4850)
Lord Nelson's Coffin, with Description of the Ornaments and Devices thereon (Print) (PAI4851)
Ticket to the Funeral of Nelson, signed by Sir Isaac Heard, but not issued (Print) (PAI4852)
Plan of the Platform and Disposition of the Bannerolls, Trophies, &c around the coffin, at the Funeral of..Nelson...(th January 1806 (Print) (PAI4853)
Remains of Lord Viscount Nelson laying in State in the Painted Chamber at Greenwich Hospital (Print) (PAI4854)
The Funeral Ceremony of Lord Nelson, in St Paul's Cathedral, 9th Jany 1806 (Print) (PAI4855)
The Ceremony of Lord Nelson's Interment in St Paul's Cathedral, Jany 9th 1806 (Print) (PAI4856)
Testimonial to 'Admiral Nelson This Illustrious Hero...' with medalion portrait (Print) (PAI4857)
Testimonial to 'Admiral Nelson This Illustrious Hero...' with medalion portrait (Print) (PAI4858)
Trafalgar. Lord nelson's banner of emblems, as carried in the Funeral Procession... (Print) (PAI4859)
The Plate Patronized by Viscount Nelson...who has assisted at the Capture of 46...Battle Ships in the War from 1793 to 1805 (Print) (PAI4860)
England Expects every Man will do his Duty. To the Memory of...Nelson...Inscribed to...the Duke of Gloucester (Print) (PAI4861)
To the...Lord Viscount Melville This Representation of the Launching of His Majesty's Ship Nelson of 120 Guns at Woolwich, Is...Inscribed (Print) (PAI4862)
Horatio Nelson 'British Naval Achievements under the Heroic Nelson', Pears Pictorial No.4 (Print) (PAI4863)
The Death of Horatio Viscount & Baron Nelson of the Nile... (Print) (PAI4864)
The Death of Horatio Viscount & Baron Nelson of the Nile... (Print) (PAI4865)
Lloyds Patriotic Fund Certificate issued to Michael Downer, seamen, HMS Bellerophon, 3 Dec 1805 (Print) (PAI4866)
A Tribute to the Memory of the Late Vice Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson. Britannia lamenting...Fame crowning his bust... History recording the event (Print) (PAI4867)
Testimonial to Nelson, with pictorial heading of a memorial with a woman and child weeping (Print) (PAI4868)
Memorial to Nelson depicting a woman and child weeping (Print) (PAI4869)
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