Navy Board, Lieutenants' Logs

Lieutenant's logbooks for HMS BONADVENTURE 1691 - 1698: 2/Lt Thomas Watton 8 November 1696 - 28 Mar 1698 (ticket book); 1/Lt William Smith 1 Oct 1695 - 28 Mar 1698; 2/Lt Thomas Russell 20 May 1695 - 24 June 1695; Capt John Redman 8 April 1695 - 26 September 1695; Captain James Mighells 20 February 1697 - 16 May 1698; 1/Lieutenant Charles Locke 15 January 1690/1 - 2 Mar 1694/5 (died 12 Mar 1694/5); 2/Lieutenant Sudbury Duncan March 1694/5 - May 1695; 2/Lieutenant George Hay 1 Oct 1695 - 9 Oct 1696; 2/Lieutenant Henry Franklin 28 November 1694 - 17 November 1695; Captain James Davison January 1690/1 - August 1693; William Cunningham 18 March 1691/2 - 11 August 1693; HMS BREDAH Captain John Johnston 1 Jan1695 - 10 Jun1695 (certificate only)

Record Details

Item reference: ADM/L/B/125
Catalogue Section: Public records: records of the central administration of the Royal Navy and the Merchant Navy
Level: ITEM
Date made: 1691-1698
Creator: Board, Navy
Credit: © Crown copyright. National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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