Registrar General Of Shipping And Seamen, Agreements, Crew Lists And Official Logs

15846 - Scutari (registration cancelled), 15995 - Daisy (registration cancelled), Queen Charlotte - Stone Dredging, Rapid - Fishing, Reaper - Transport, Red Jacket - Herrings & Oysters, Reliance - Stone Dredging, Rio Grande - use unclear, Rippel - Fishing, Rischid - use unclear, Rival - Fishing, River Queen - Fishing, Rob Roy - Fishing, Robert & Ann - Unemployed, Robert Boat - use unclear, Rosa - Transport, Rose - A Taylor, Fishing, Rose - David Ward, Fishing, Rose - John Sebborn, Fishing, Rose - J Porley, Fishing, Rose - Dredging, Rover - Transport, Royal Charter - Fishing, Royal William - Dredging Cement, Rubina - Fishing & Dredging, Ruby - Fishing & Dredging, S A Treharne - Trading, Saint Mary - Fishing & Dredging, Saint Peter - use unclear, Salisbury - Fishing, Sally - Fishing, Salute - Fishing, Sam Walker - Fishing, Samuel & Sarah - Dredging, Sarah - James Worledge, Stone Dredging, Sarah - Maldon, Fishing, Sarah & Eliza - Stone Dredging, Sarah Ann - Fishing & Dredging, Saucy Jack - William King, Stone Dredging, Saucy Jack - Thomas Green, Fishing, Saucy Jack - Thomas Pound, Stone Dredging, Savage - Travel, Sceptre - Dredging, Sea Cobb - Fishing, Sea Gull - Fishing, Sea Maid - Stone Dredging, Sea Nymph - Fishing, Secret - J Perkins,Dredging, Secret - J Wiseman, Dredging, Secret - James Webb, Stone Dredging, Secret - Isaac Leavell, Fishing, Selina - Fishing, Seraphore - use unclear, Sheldrake - Fishing, Shrimp - Transport, Sir Bastle Frese - use unclear, Sisters - D Woolf, Dredging, Sisters - George Waters, Transport, Six Brothers - Fishing, Southland - use unclear, Spencer - Dredging, Spray - Fishing & Dredging, Spy - Watching fishery, St Croix - 2 Account of Changes, Stag - Alfred Remington, Fishing, Stag - Fishing, Star - John Roberts, Fishing, Star - E Fallon, Dredging, Star - Maldon, Fishing, Storm - Fishing & Dredging, Strife - Fishing, Susan & Mary - Stone Dredging, Swanzey - Piloting, Sweedonburg - Fishing, Tally Ho - Fishing, Tally Ho - Fishing, Taster - Dredging, Thetis - Dredging Oysters, Three Brothers - use unclear, Three Sisters - Dredging, Three Sisters - J Wiseman, Dredging, Tiger - Stone Dredging, Tigres - use unclear, Topaz - see notes inside, Tornado - use unclear, Towey - Trading, Traveller - Travel, Tripping - Stone Dredging, Triumph - Stone Dredging, Truce - see notes inside, True Blue - Stone Dredging, Truro - Dredging, Try Again - Fishing, Two Brothers - William Garnham, Stone Dredging, Two Brothers - Matthew Noctor, Fishing, Two Brothers - Maldon, Fishing, Two Brothers - William Loynes, Fishing, Two Brothers - Ann Bennett, Fishing, Two Sea Barge - use unclear

Record Details

Item reference: RSS/CL/1865/1643
Catalogue Section: Public records: records of the central administration of the Royal Navy and the Merchant Navy
Level: FILE
Date made: 1865
Creator: Seamen, Registrar General Of Shipping And
Credit: © Crown copyright. National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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